Three lines



[API] GET Risk Assessment V3

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The Get Risk Assessment API evaluates risk factors by providing assessment scores for specific models, including prostatus, trips of the last 7 days, and overall risk assessment scores. It streamlines risk analysis processes, offering precise information into various aspects of risk within datasets.


The Get Risk Assessment API is instrumental in driver safety management. It allows suppliers to pinpoint high-risk drivers and apply specific safety interventions. This proactive approach not only ensures smooth operations but also significantly reduces the likelihood of incidents, enhancing overall safety standards and operational efficiency.

Support for Hierarchical Data

The Get Risk Assessment API automatically operates within the hierarchical structure of the organization linked to the developer’s account at the time of setup.

Supported Supplier Types





HTTP Method



Authorization Code

Example Request
-H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Request Query Parameters
Name Type Description
risk_models string Comma-separated list of risk model names to retrieve.
Risk Models

These risk model names can be provided in a comma-separated list as the query parameter.

Name Type Description
PRO_STATUS string Indicates if partner has an Uber Pro status and it’s level
FIRST_TRIP_TIMESTAMP string Timestamp of the first trip as a driver
TRIPS_OF_LAST_7DAYS string Number of trips in the last 7 days
RISK_ASSESSMENT_SCORE string Uber data-centric driver risk score
<CUSTOM_MODEL> Custom model specific to the vehicle supplier
Example Response
Status-code: 200 OK
  "scores": {
      "PRO_STATUS": {
        "value": "TIER_2",
        "value": "1564511234",
      "TRIPS_OF_LAST_7DAYS": {
        "value": "0",
        "value": "0.06442590057849884",
        "timestamp": 1564522725

** A Response (Optional) parameter is one that can be present or not.

Response Body parameters
Name Type Description
scores object Multiple Score objects, corresponding to the number of comma-separated risk_models passed on the request


Name Type Description
risk_model object For every Risk Model available, an Assessment object is returned


Name Type Description
value string The assessment value for the risk score model. If there is an errorMsg, value will be an empty string ""
errorMsg string In case of an error, string code is returned. Current options: "no_record"
timestamp int Unix timestamp for the moment the value was obtained
Rate Limit
  • Rate limit for this endpoint is 100 requests per hour (RPH)

Endpoint Specific Errors
Http Status Code Code Message
400 bad_request Invalid request
400 partner_not_found Partner not found
401 unauthorized Invalid OAuth 2.0 credentials provided
429 rate_limited Number of requests exceeds allowed limit
500 internal_server_error Internal server error
503 service_unavailable Service unavailable
  • By utilizing risk models such as PRO_STATUS, which indicates the Uber Pro status level of a driver, and TRIPS_OF_LAST_7DAYS, which shows recent driver activity, rental companies can gauge compliance with operational standards and engagement requirements. Additionally, the FIRST_TRIP_TIMESTAMP and RISK_ASSESSMENT_SCORE offer insights into the driver’s initial engagement and ongoing risk levels, respectively, aiding in comprehensive risk and compliance assessments.


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