Three lines



[API] Create Report URL for the report

Privileged and Confidential This endpoint design has been confidentially shared with you. It is still under development and is subject to change without notice. Please do not share this document or API endpoint details with anyone who is not authorized to have access. For more information read about scopes.

The Create Report URL for the Report endpoint generates a signed url for accessing a generated report.

Use case

Use this API to grant secure and time-limited access to generated reports. Authorized users can trigger reports and generate requests by supplying the organization’s ID and report ID. The signed URL remains valid for 60 seconds from its creation, guaranteeing temporary and secure access.

Using Dependent API

To generate a signed URL for accessing a report in a Fleet or Rental partners, they should follow a two-step process. Firstly, they must use the Get Organizations API, entering the organization’s unique ID. This action retrieves all associated encrypted organization IDs, ensuring all linked organizations are identified. Secondly, using these encrypted organization IDs as input, owners can then access the Create Report URL For The Report API to generate a secure, time-limited URL for the report. For obtaining the primary organization’s encrypted UUID, please reach out to the support team.

Supported supplier types



Primary - solutions.suppliers.reports



HTTP Method



Client Credentials

Example Request
curl --location --request POST
-D '<org_id>/reports/<report_id>/link' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
Example Response
    "data": {
        "signedUrl": {
            "value": ""
Request Path Parameters
Name Type Required Description
org_id string Y This represents encrypted organisation UUID.
report_id string Y Id of the generated report.
Response Fields
Name Type Description
data Object of SignedUrl This has details for the generated signed url.
Response Entities


Name Type Description
value string This is the url where the csv data has been uploaded.
Rate Limit
  • Rate limit for this endpoint is 600 requests per 10 minutes per Developer Application.
Endpoint Specific Errors
Http Status Code Code Message
400 bad_request The request parameters are invalid.
500 internal_server_error Internal server error.
403 unauthenticated User does not have permission.
429 rate_limited Number of requests exceeds allowed limit.
503 service_unavailable Service unavailable.
401 unauthorized Invalid OAuth 2.0 credentials.
  • The signed URL returned in the response will have a validity of 60 secs from the time when the request was sent. Post 60 sec accessing the signed URL will return an “Access Denied” error.
  • Can we regenerate the signed url after 60 seconds?
    • Yes, it is possible to regenerate the URL after 60 seconds.


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