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Supplier Performance Data APIs enable Suppliers (Fleet Partners) to access detailed performance metrics of drivers & vehicles such as realtime driver status changes & monitoring, vehicle information (Vehicle model, license, etc.).

Key Performance Indicators
  • Fetch Metrics: Use encrypted organization IDs to retrieve performance data like hours online, trips completed, and earnings.
  • Analyze Trends: Monitor driver and vehicle performance, with updates adhering to a data freshness SLA of 1–2 hours for drivers and 5–10 minutes for vehicles.
  • Track Payments and Transactions: Access real-time payment and transaction data for drivers and the supplier organization.
Platform Offerings

The platform features API endpoints and Webhooks specifically tailored to enhance Supplier Performance Data management and analysis.

  1. [API] Get Drivers Information Basic information: Get information of a single driver/all drivers linked to a supplier (Fleet) organization.

  2. [API] Get the performance data: Get metrics of drivers or vehicles (dimensions) given the supplier ID and a given time range.

  3. [API] Get Drivers Real Time Status: Get real-time status of single driver/all drivers linked to a supplier organization.

  4. [API] Get Driver Payments: Get real-time payments information for single driver/all drivers linked to a supplier org. This supports data only for the last 24 hours.

  5. [API] Get Realtime Transactions: Get real-time list of transactions linked to a supplier organization in the given time range.

  6. [API] Get Vehicles Information: Get basic information of a single vehicle/all vehicles linked to a supplier organization.

  7. [Webhook] Realtime Driver Status Change: This webhook allows suppliers to listen to realtime status change events of the drivers in the fleet.

  8. [Webhook] Realtime Driver Actioning Event: This webhook allows suppliers to listen to realtime driver actioning events of the drivers in the fleet.


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