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Performance Based Reports

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This page provides descriptions of performance(driver/vehicle level) related reports that can be downloaded via the endpoints mentioned above. Below report types are only applicable for fleet organizations.


The “Driver Quality” report type within the Generate API is a valuable resource for gaining information about quality and performance metrics of drivers. This report focuses on providing detailed Driver Quality-related information, enabling clients to assess and monitor the quality of service provided by drivers within their operations.


Column Name Description
Driver UUID A unique identifier for the driver.
Driver FirstName The first name of the driver. This column provides a personal identifier for the driver.
Driver Surname The surname (last name) of the driver.
Trips Completed The total number of trips completed by the driver during the reporting period.
Confirmation Rate The percentage of trips confirmed by a driver during the date range selected. Trips confirmed divided by confirmed trips + rejected trips.
Cancellation Rate The percentage of trips canceled by the driver after trip confirmation divided by total confirmed trips.
Completion Rate The percentage of trips completed by the driver. This provides data about driver’s efficiency and reliability.
Driver Ratings (Previous 500 Trips) Average of ratings provided by the riders in past 500 trips. This helps in identifying long-term performance trends and quality consistency.
Driver Ratings (Last 4 Weeks) Average of ratings provided by the riders in the last four weeks. This provides a recent snapshot of the driver’s activity and quality trends.
Driver Acceptance Rate (As seen by Driver) The acceptance rate as seen by the driver in the driver app. This number may be different from the confirmation rate, based on various factors.
Driver Cancellation Rate (As seen by Driver) The cancellation rate as seen by the driver in the driver app. This number may be different from the rejected rate, based on various factors.


  1. These columns include dynamic fields that may change based on specific conditions.
  2. Based on location, the columns may vary to include region-specific data.

The “Driver_Activity” report type in the Generate Reports API is an essential tool for tracking and managing the activity of drivers. This report provides information about various aspects of driver activities, helping organizations monitor driver performance.


Column Name Description
Driver UUID A unique identifier for the driver.
Driver First Name The first name of the driver. This column provides a personal identifier for the driver.
Driver Last Name The surname (last name) of the driver.
Trip Completed The total number of trips completed by the driver during the reporting period.
Online Hours (Days:Hours:Minutes) Total duration the driver was online on Uber’s app and available for trips, indicating availability and utilization.
OnTrip Hours Total time the driver spent on trips, specifically the time spent from the moment a ride is verified to the point the rider is dropped off.


  1. Based on location, the column data may vary to include region-specific data.

The “Trip Activity” report type in the Generate API provides essential data on trip-related activities, aiding in the comprehension and analysis of trip operations. This report provides detailed data points that are essential for tracking, monitoring, and optimizing trip-related activities.


Column Name Description
Trip UUID A unique identifier for each trip.
Driver UUID A unique identifier for the driver associated with the trip.
Driver FirstName The first name of the driver. This column provides a personal identifier for the driver involved in the trip.
Driver Surname The surname (last name) of the driver.
Vehicle UUID A unique identifier for the vehicle used in the trip.
Vehicle License Number The number plate of the vehicle. This provides an additional identifier for the vehicle involved in the trip.
Service Type The type of service provided during the trip, such as ‘personal_transport’ for regular rides and ‘rush’ for delivery services.
Trip Request Time The date and time when the trip was requested. This is crucial for analyzing trip demand patterns.
Trip DropOff Time The date and time when the trip ended.
Trip Pickup Address The address where the trip begins and the pick-up occurs.
Trip Drop Off Address The location where the trip ended.
Trip Distance The distance covered during the trip, measured from the point of trip initiation to the drop-off point.
Trip Status The status of the trip (e.g., completed, rider_canceled, driver_canceled, delivery_failed, fare_split, failed, payment_failed, reserved).


  1. Based on location, the columns may vary to include region-specific data.

The “Driver_status” report type is a crucial parameter in the Generate Report API endpoint, providing information on real-time status and onboarding progress of drivers within the system.


Column Name Description
Driver Name The name of the driver serves as a personal identifier.
Driver Onboarding Status The current status of the driver onboarding process. Possible statuses include: ‘Application Submitted’, ‘Documents Pending’, ‘Background Check In Progress’, ‘Approved’, ‘Rejected’.
Driver Realtime Status The driver’s current operational status in real-time. Shows if the driver is available, on a trip, or offline.
Driver Phone Number The driver’s contact phone number.
Driver Last Online Time The latest time when the driver was online on the driver app. Useful for identifying periods of inactivity.
Driver Email The driver’s email address. Used for sending updates, notifications.
Driver UUID A unique identifier assigned to each driver.
Organization Name The name of the organization the driver is associated with.


  1. Based on location, the columns may vary to include region-specific data.

The “Vehicle Performance” report type within the reporting framework is a valuable tool designed specifically for suppliers to gain information about vehicle performance metrics. This report provides detailed data points that are essential for evaluating and optimizing the performance of vehicles within their operations.


Column Name Description
Vehicle Name The year, make, and model of the vehicle. Helps in identifying and distinguishing vehicles within the fleet.
Vehicle Plate Number The license plate number of the vehicle. Provides a unique identifier for legal and tracking purposes.
Total Earnings The total amount of money earned by the vehicle over a period requested in the report. Indicates the vehicle’s contribution to revenue.
Earnings Per Hour The average earnings generated by the vehicle per hour of operations. Measures the vehicle’s efficiency and profitability.
Cash Earnings The total cash collected from customers as payment for trips. This metric specifically tracks all cash transactions handled by the vehicle.
Trips per hour The average number of trips completed by the vehicle per hour, considering only trips completed within the requested time period.
Hours Online The total hours the vehicle was active and available online. Measures the vehicle’s availability and usage.
Hours On Trip The total hours the vehicle spent on trips, with precision, up to two places. Indicates the active driving time of the vehicle.
Hours On Job The total hours the vehicle was engaged in job-related activities, including driving and waiting time.
Total Trips The total number of trips completed by the vehicle. Measures the vehicle’s workload and activity.


  1. Based on location, the columns may vary to include region-specific data.

The “Driver Performance” report type within the Generate Report API is a critical component for evaluating and optimizing driver performance across supplier operations. This report provides a comprehensive overview of key performance metrics that are essential for assessing driver productivity, efficiency, and overall performance.


Column Name Description
Driver First Name The first name of the driver.
Driver Last Name The last name of the driver.
Driver Email The driver’s email address. Used for sending updates, notifications, and correspondence.
Driver Phone The driver’s phone number.
Total Earnings The total amount of money earned by the driver over a period.
Earnings Per Hour The average earnings generated by the driver per hour of operation. Measures driver efficiency and profitability.
Cash Earnings The amount of earnings collected in cash. Tracks cash transactions for the driver.
Trips Per Hour The average number of trips completed by the driver per hour.
Hours Online The total hours the driver was active and available online. Measures the driver’s availability and engagement.
Hours On Trip The total hours the driver spent on trips. Indicates the active driving time of the driver.
Hours On Job The total hours the driver was engaged in job-related activities, including driving and waiting time.
Total Trips The total number of trips completed by the driver.
Driver Confirmation Rate The percentage of trips confirmed by a driver during the date range selected. Indicates the driver’s willingness to take on trips.
Driver Cancellation Rate The percentage of trips canceled by the driver after trip confirmation divided by total confirmed trips. Indicates the driver’s reliability and consistency.


  1. Based on location, the columns may vary to include region-specific data.

The “Backfill Real-Time Driver Status Change Webhook Events” report type offers advantages in monitoring driver status changes, particularly in the context of failed delivery events for real-time driver status change webhooks. This specialized report provides valuable information on instances where driver status change notifications were not successfully delivered, allowing suppliers to identify and address any communication failures promptly.


Column Name Description
Driver ID A unique identifier assigned to the driver.
Vehicle ID A unique identifier assigned to the vehicle. Helps in tracking and referencing the vehicle involved in the status change event.
Event ID A unique identifier for the specific event. Used for tracking and distinguishing between different status change events.
Event Type The type of event that triggered the status change.
Event Time The timestamp when the event occurred. Provides the exact time of the status change.
Status The new status of the driver after the event occurred. Indicates the driver’s current operational state, such as online, offline, en route, and on-trip.
Location Latitude The latitude coordinate of the driver’s location at the time of the event. Provides geographical context for status changes.
Location Longitude The longitude coordinates of the driver’s location at the time of the event. Complements the latitude coordinates for precise geographical context.


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