Three lines



[API] Supplier Performance Data

Privileged and Confidential This endpoint design has been confidentially shared with you. It is still under development and is subject to change without notice. Please do not share this document or API endpoint details with anyone who is not authorized to have access. For more information read about scopes.

The API Endpoint Supplier Performance Data allows users to retrieve comprehensive performance data for both drivers and vehicles. By specifying the supplier ID and a specific time range, users can access detailed metrics, which are crucial for monitoring and analyzing supplier operations.

Use case

By leveraging the “supplier performance data”, fleet suppliers can access detailed metrics such as hours online, hours on-trip, total trips, and total earnings. The data freshness SLA for driver performance metrics is 1–2 hours, and for vehicle performance metrics, it is refreshed every 2–5 minutes.

Using Dependent API

To access detailed performance data for drivers and vehicles, fleet owners should follow a structured two-step process. Firstly, they must use the Get Organizations API with the Fleet Supplier’s unique ID to retrieve all associated encrypted organization IDs. Secondly, using these encrypted organization IDs as input, they can make requests to the Supplier Performance Data API to retrieve performance metrics specific to each linked organization.

Support for Hierarchical Data

Not Supported. The API returns the performance data of the drivers/vehicles directly linked to the organization. It doesn’t support fetching drivers linked to their child organizations

Supported Supplier Types





HTTP Method


Access Method

Client Credentials

Example Request (driver)
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "reportRequests": [
            "timeRanges": [
                    "startsAt": 1674129878020,
                    "endsAt": 1674334678020
            "dimensions": [
                    "name": "vs:driver"
            "metrics": [
                    "expression": "vs:HoursOnline"
                    "expression": "vs:HoursOnTrip"
                    "expression": "vs:TotalTrips"
            "dimension_filter_clauses": [
                    "operator": "FILTER_LOGICAL_OPERATOR_AND",
                    "filters": [
                            "dimension_name": "vs:driver",
                            "operator": "OPERATOR_IN",
                            "expressions": [
            "pagination_options": {
                "pageSize": 7,
                "pageToken": "<next_page_token_provided_on_the_response>"
    "orgId": {
        "orgUuid": "<encrypted_supplier_uuid>"
Example Response (For driver)
    "body": {
        "reports": [
                "columnHeader": {
                    "dimensionHeaderEntries": [
                            "name": "FirstName",
                            "type": "DIMENSION_TYPE_STRING"
                            "name": "LastName",
                            "type": "DIMENSION_TYPE_STRING"
                            "name": "PhoneNumber",
                            "type": "DIMENSION_TYPE_STRING"
                            "name": "Email",
                            "type": "DIMENSION_TYPE_STRING"
                    "metricHeaderEntries": [
                            "name": "HoursOnline",
                            "type": "METRIC_TYPE_DOUBLE"
                            "name": "HoursOnTrip",
                            "type": "METRIC_TYPE_DOUBLE"
                            "name": "TotalTrips",
                            "type": "METRIC_TYPE_INT64"
                "data": {
                    "timeRangeData": [
                            "rows": [
                                    "dimensionName": "UUID",
                                    "dimensionId": "<driver_uuid>",
                                    "dimensionValues": [
                                        "Some Driver Name",
                                        "Some Driver Last Name",
                                    "metricValues": [
                "paginationResult": {
                    "nextPageToken": "8LXQdrVZDtraWLeNz6_tqiRPXV2rAMvy_RyJXh3kfQc62bKM0JT-Zk4C6xj9mC1SXYc32jvCB1QTs2j20Jf3hw71_TwAsZXULdQ5gtWNSK2jWp89_DWGJTQI14×CvUyQZQ=="

Example Request (vehicle)

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "reportRequests": [
            "timeRanges": [
                    "startsAt": 1674129878020,
                    "endsAt": 1674334678020
            "dimensions": [
                    "name": "vs:vehicle"
            "metrics": [
                    "expression": "vs:HoursOnline"
                    "expression": "vs:HoursOnTrip"
                    "expression": "vs:TotalTrips"
                    "expression": "vs:TotalEarnings"
            "dimension_filter_clauses": [
                    "operator": "FILTER_LOGICAL_OPERATOR_AND",
                    "filters": [
                            "dimension_name": "vs:vehicle",
                            "operator": "OPERATOR_IN",
                            "expressions": [
            "pagination_options": {
                "pageSize": 8,
                "pageToken": "<next_page_token_provided_on_the_response>"
    "orgId": {
        "orgUuid": "<encrypted_supplier_uuid>"
Example Response (For vehicle)
    "body": {
        "reports": [
                "columnHeader": {
                    "dimensionHeaderEntries": [
                            "name": "PlateNumber",
                            "type": "DIMENSION_TYPE_STRING"
                            "name": "VIN",
                            "type": "DIMENSION_TYPE_STRING"
                    "metricHeaderEntries": [
                            "name": "HoursOnline",
                            "type": "METRIC_TYPE_DOUBLE"
                            "name": "HoursOnTrip",
                            "type": "METRIC_TYPE_DOUBLE"
                            "name": "TotalTrips",
                            "type": "METRIC_TYPE_INT64"
                            "name": "TotalEarnings",
                            "type": "METRIC_TYPE_DOUBLE"
                "data": {
                    "timeRangeData": [
                            "rows": [
                                    "dimensionName": "UUID",
                                    "dimensionId": "<vehicle_uuid>",
                                    "dimensionValues": [
                                    "metricValues": [
                "paginationResult": {}
Request Body Fields
Name Type Description
reportRequests object array List of ReportRequest objects
orgId object Object of type Organization Uuid

Organization Uuid

Name Type Description
OrgUuid UUID Encrypted supplier UUID


Name Type Description
timeRanges object array List of Interval objects.
Only one (1) Interval object is allowed per request
dimensions object array List of Dimension objects
metrics object array List of Metric objects
dimensions_filter_clauses (Optional) object array List of DimensionFilterClause objects to be used for fetching data for list of drivers or vehicles
pagination_options (Optional) object Object of type PaginationOptions


Name Type Description
startsAt int UNIX milliseconds timestamp
endsAt int UNIX milliseconds timestamp


Name Type Description
name string "vs:driver" or "vs:vehicle"


Name Type Description
expression string For driver
"vs:HoursOnline": Total number of hours the driver was available on the platform for making trips. Minute precision.
"vs:HoursOnTrip": Total number of hours a driver was between the statuses driver pick up rider and driver drop off rider. Minute precision.
"vs:TotalTrips": Total number of trips a driver served on the platform.

For vehicle
"vs:HoursOnline": Total number of hours the vehicle was available on the platform for making trips. Minute precision.
"vs:HoursOnTrip": Total number of hours a vehicle was between the statuses vehicle pick up rider and vehicle drop off rider. Minute precision
"vs:TotalTrips": Total number of trips a vehicle served on the platform.
"vs:TotalEarnings": Total amount of earnings the vehicle generated on the time interval requested.


Name Type Description
operator (Optional) object FilterLogicalOperator object
filters (Optional) object array List of DimensionFilter


Name Type Description


Name Type Description
dimension_name (Optional) string "vs:driver" or "vs:vehicle"
operator (Optional) object Operator object
expressions (Optional) string array List of un-encrypted driver or vehicle uuids


Name Type Description
OPERATOR_IN OPERATOR_IN Operator to be used for checking value in array


Name Type Description
pageToken (Optional) string Page token for the next entities that should come on the report
pageSize (Optional) int32 Number of entities that come on each report. Max is 100 per request
Response Body Fields
Name Type Description
reports object array List of Report objects


Name Type Description
columnHeader object ColumnHeader object
data object ReportData object
paginationResult (Optional) object PaginationResult object


Name Type Description
dimensionHeaderEntries (Optional) object array List of DimensionHeaderEntry objects
metricHeaderEntries (Optional) object array MetricHeaderEntry object


Name Type Description
name string For driver : "FirstName", "LastName", "PhoneNumber", "Email"
For vehicle : "PlateNumber", "VIN"
type string Corresponds to the type that can safely be casted from the string returned.


Name Type Description
name string For driver : "HoursOnline", "HoursOnTrip", "TotalTrips"
For vehicle : "HoursOnline", "HoursOnTrip", "TotalTrips", "TotalEarnings"
type string Corresponds to the type that can safely be casted from the string returned.


Name Type Description
timeRangeData (Optional) object array List of TimeRangeData objects


Name Type Description
rows object array List of ReportRow objects


Name Type Description
dimensionName string String tag identifier of the dimensionId for the corresponding row (entity data)
Options are: UUID.
dimensionId string String ID, corresponding to the dimensionName specified. (raw UUID)
dimensionValues object array List of ordered string objects, corresponding to the dimensionHeaderEntries order
metricValues object array List of ordered string objects, corresponding to the metricHeaderEntries order


Name Type Description
nextPageToken string String token to be used to retrieve the next entities that should come on an specific report. If no more entities to return, PaginationResult object will be empty
Rate Limit
  • Rate limit for this endpoint is 100 000 rph (requests per hour) per Developer Application.
Endpoint Specific Errors
Http Status Code Code Message
400 bad_request The request parameters are invalid.
500 internal_server_error Internal server error.
403 unauthenticated User does not have permission.
429 rate_limited Number of requests exceeds allowed limit.
503 service_unavailable Service unavailable.
401 unauthorized Invalid OAuth 2.0 credentials.
  • If pageSize is not specified, the endpoint has a default return value of 100 records (pageSize) per report.
  • If the returned paginationResult object is empty ({}), it means there are no more entities to report.
  • If the returned paginationResult object is not empty, it means you can keep calling the endpoint to get the missing entities on the next subsequent requested reports, by passing the provided nextPageToken and a valid pageSize (between 1 and 1000).
  • The endpoint has an enforced pageSize limit of 1000 max entities (driver or vehicle information records) per report. If you ask for more, or pass a negative pageSize value, an error will be returned.
  • The time range provided in the request has to be more than or equal to 1 hr.
  • The api response considers the exact epoch time (UTC timezone) mentioned in request for fetching the requested data.
  • Each row is an entity (driver or vehicle) with its given dimensions and metrics.
  • An (Optional) param is one that you can omit (if part of the request), or one that can be empty (if part of the response).
  • Does the API support sandbox environments?
    • Yes, the API supports sandbox environments.


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