Vehicle Management
This suite of APIs is designed to manage vehicle-related operations for vehicle suppliers, encompassing both Rental and Fleet services. These APIs offer capabilities for creating, updating, transferring, searching, assigning, unassigning, and deleting vehicles within a supplier’s inventory. Each API is tailored to specific operational needs, ensuring that vehicle suppliers can manage their fleets efficiently and effectively.
¶ Platform Offerings
¶ [API] Create Vehicle [API reference]
Initiate records for new vehicles in the supplier’s inventory.
¶ [API] Get Vehicle [API reference]
Retrieve detailed information about a specific vehicle.
¶ [API] Delete Vehicle [API reference]
Use this API to remove vehicle from Uber system.
¶ [API] Update Vehicle [API reference]
Modify existing vehicle records to reflect current statuses or changes.
¶ [API] Get Vehicles By Owner [API reference]
List all vehicles owned by a particular supplier, useful for inventory management.
¶ [API] Search Vehicles [API reference]
Locate vehicles using specific criteria, essential for operational management and vehicle allocation.
¶ [API] Transfer Vehicle [API reference]
Use this API to transfer ownership of a vehicle from one organization to another within the same vehicle supplier.
¶ [API] Assign Vehicle [API reference]
Use this API to assign a vehicle of the vehicle supplier to a driver.
¶ [API] Unassign Vehicle [API reference]
Detach vehicles from drivers, allowing for reassignment or maintenance scheduling.