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Organization Onboarding

Every company, whether a Rental or Fleet supplier, that intends to partner with Uber for ridesharing must undergo a manual onboarding process. This process involves establishing an organizational entity within Uber’s systems and structuring all corresponding dealerships inside the organization as a hierarchy.

Dealership Hierarchy

To operate a vehicle on the Uber platform, compliance is required for both the driver and the vehicle. Compliance standards vary based on multiple factors, including regional requirements. For instance, different cities may have distinct documentation needs for vehicles.

Dealerships, also referred to as ‘branches,’ are physical sites from which companies manage their ridesharing operations. However, it is important to note that a single physical site can encompass multiple branches if the size of the site is large. A typical dealership-to-company mapping looks like this:

Dealership Hierarchy

Creating an Organizational Structure

Companies must provide a unique identifier (string) for each dealership to Uber. This identifier is crucial for creating an organized structure for a company within Uber’s systems.

Importance of Organizational Structure

There are different compliance requirements per city (also interchangeably called ‘territory’) and it is important to capture the location where the vehicle would run so that compliance requirements can be determined for the vehicle to become eligible to be driven on Uber. So, while creating the vehicle inside Uber systems, the supplier company will need to pass the dealership identifier so that the corresponding compliance requirements can be determined for that specific location.

Next Steps

To initiate the creation of your organizational structure within Uber’s systems, please contact your Uber POC with a list of all dealerships, including their unique identifiers and geographical details.

Platform Offerings
  • [API] Get Organizations [API reference] : This API is designed to retrieve a comprehensive list of all organizations, encompassing both rental companies and fleet suppliers, within the vehicle suppliers network.


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