Three lines



[API] Get Realtime Transactions

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The “Get real-time transactions” API endpoint enables suppliers to retrieve a real-time list of transactions which occurred within the supplier organization during a specified time range.

Use case

The Get Realtime Transactions API is vital for fleet-based organizations, offering transaction monitoring with a data freshness SLA of less than 1 minute for updated data. Users can sort transactions based on the processedAt field and apply time-range filters for focused data retrieval within specific intervals.

Using Dependent API

To retrieve real-time transaction data for drivers, fleet owners should follow a two-step process. Firstly, they need to utilize the Get Organizations API, entering the Fleet Supplier’s unique ID. This step retrieves all associated encrypted organization IDs, ensuring that all linked organizations are identified. Secondly, using these encrypted organization IDs as input, fleet owners can then access the Get Realtime Transactions API to fetch transaction data linked to each specific organization in real-time.

Support for Hierarchical Data

Not Supported. The API returns the transaction information linked to the organization. It doesn’t support fetching transactions linked to their child organizations.

Supported Supplier Types



Primary - supplier.partner.payments



HTTP Method



Client Credentials

Example Request
curl --location '<org_id>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "filters": [
            "field": "timeRange",
            "operator": "FILTER_OPERATOR_IN_RANGE",
            "value": [
    "sort": [
            "field": "processedAt",
            "direction": "DIRECTION_DESCENDING"
    "pagination_options": {
        "pageSize": 7,
        "pageToken": "10"
Example Response
  "statusCode": 200,
  "body": {
              "categoryLabel":"Paid to you",
                  "categoryLabel":"Your earnings",
    "paginationResult": {
      "nextPageToken": "1"
Request Query Parameters
Name Type Required Description
org_id string Y Encrypted organization UUID.
Request Body Fields
Name Type Required Description
filters Array of Filter Y List of filters to be applied on the transactions to be fetched.
sort Object of Sort N List of sorting fields, controls the sorting of transactions in the response.
paginationOptions Object of PaginationOptions Y Pagination options to control the batching.


Name Type Description
field string This represents the field on which the filter needs to be applied. (example:- “timeRange”)
operator Enum Operator This represents eligible operators we can apply to filter requests.
value string Values which need to be applied as filters.


Name Type Description
field string This represents the field on which we need to apply the sort.
direction Enum Direction This would control the way sorting has to be done.


Name Value Description
FILTER_OPERATOR_IN_RANGE FILTER_OPERATOR_IN_RANGE Operator to be used for range filters (example date range filter to add filter between 2 date range a,b)


Name Value Description


Name Type Description
pageToken string Page token for the next set of transactions to be fetched in response.
pageSize integer Max. number of transactions to be part of response.
Response Body Fields
Name Type Nullable Description
transactions array of Transaction N Transaction and driver’s information.
paginationResult object of type PaginationResult N Pagination info for next pages.


Name Type Nullable Description
driverInfo object of type DriverInfo. N Represents driver related information.
transactionInfo object of type TransactionInfo. N Represents transaction related information.


Name Type Nullable Description
driverUUID string N This would be the raw driver uuid.
firstName string Y This would represent the firstName of the driver.
lastName string Y This would represent the lastName of the driver.


Name Type Nullable Description
transactionUUID string N This would be the raw transaction uuid.
tripUUID string Y This represents the trip uuid for which the transaction took place.
processedAt string Y This represents the time of processing the transaction. (This will be in UTC timezone in response)
description string Y This is a single word description giving brief information what the transaction is done for. (eg. tripCompleteOrder)
breakDowns array of BreakDownItems Y This represents the breakdown for the mentioned transaction UUID. This array would provide the granular information for the transaction.


Name Type Nullable Description
categoryName string Y This represents the item_type for further bifurcation.
categoryLabel string Y This represents a small description for the bifurcation of the amount.
amount object of Amount N This represents the amount in non-decimal format.
children array of BreakDownItems Y This represents the further bifurcation of the amount.


Name Type Nullable Description
amountES integer Y This represents the amount with cents precision.
currencyCode string Y This is the currency for the amount returned.


Name Type Nullable Description
nextPageToken string N Can be empty, if there are no more records
Rate Limit
  • Rate limit for this endpoint is 1 request per second per Developer Application.
Endpoint Specific Errors
Http Status Code Code Message
400 bad_request The request parameters are invalid.
500 internal_server_error Internal server error.
403 unauthenticated User does not have permission.
429 rate_limited Number of requests exceeds allowed limit.
503 service_unavailable Service unavailable.
401 unauthorized Invalid OAuth 2.0 credentials.
  • If pageToken is not specified, then the default value will be blank.
  • If the returned paginationResult object is not empty, further calls to the endpoint can retrieve missing entities in the next subsequent requested data, by including the provided nextPageToken along with a valid pageSize (between 1 and 500).
  • We can look back up to 24 hr from the current time.
  • The difference in timeRange should be less than or equal to 15 mins.
  • The StartTime should not be less than 5 mins from the current time.
  • Does this endpoint provide the same level of data as Payment Transactions Report?

    • Yes, this endpoint provides the same level of data in realtime where as in payment transaction report it provides the same level of information with a data freshness SLA of 3-4hours. The only difference between the two flows would be the level of bifurcation that would be done. In a few cases, we can expect more granular bifurcation in Payment Transactions Report when compared to Real-time Transactions response. Apart from this, other fields should be in sync with the reporting data.
  • Does the API support sandbox environments?

    • No, the API does not currently support sandbox environments.


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