Three lines



[API] Get Vehicles Information

Privileged and Confidential This endpoint design has been confidentially shared with you. It is still under development and is subject to change without notice. Please do not share this document or API endpoint details with anyone who is not authorized to have access. For more information read about scopes.

The “Get Vehicles Information” endpoint enables users to retrieve basic information about a single vehicle or all vehicles associated with a supplier organization. This functionality provides essential details such as vehicle model, registration details, and status, facilitating efficient management and monitoring of the organization’s vehicles.

Use case

The Get Vehicles Information API allows accessing vehicle data at both the organization level and the specific vehicle UUID level, providing flexibility and granularity in data retrieval. Filter operations such as Organization UUID and vehicle UUID filters available in the request parameter, enhancing data precision. The API equips fleet management companies with detailed data on their fleet vehicles, including vehicle Id, license plate number, color, make, model, and year. The data refreshness for this API is near real-time, with an expected delay of up to 2 minutes, ensuring timely updates.

Using Dependent API

To access information about vehicles, such as vehicle ID and registration details, fleet owners should follow a two-step process. Firstly, they must use the Get Organizations API, entering the Fleet Supplier’s unique ID. This step retrieves all associated encrypted organization IDs, ensuring that all linked organizations are identified. Secondly, using these encrypted organization IDs as input, fleet owners can then access the Get Vehicles Information API to fetch detailed information about vehicles associated with each specific organization.

Support for Hierarchical Data

Not Supported. The API returns the information of the vehicles directly linked to the organization. It doesn’t support fetching vehicles linked to their child organizations.

Supported supplier types



Primary -



HTTP Method



Client Credentials

Example Request
curl -i -X GET "<org_id>&page_token=<page_token>&page_size=<page_size>" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Example Request with vehicle filter

curl -i -X GET "<org_id>&page_token=<page_token>&page_size=<page_size>&vehicle_id=<vehicle_uuid>" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
Example Response
  "vehicleInformation": [
      "vehicleId": "b0c8e126-584b-4e4f-85d0-8c38c9b19272",
      "vehicleIdEncrypted": "vP4ZnXbsyIgAeyWJrO4Lx6nRHOGgNBUvWEc3A4iMht0vE4rkyqM1x7I2hFkY6SLR4OMoflGtx7XsQaLRc8mHq3rI2HMyVK5c1g==",
      "color": "red",
      "licensePlate": "KA02BR1234",
      "make": "Ford",
      "model": "Fiesta",
      "year": 2022,
      "vin": "1GYS4DKJ1FR125068"
  "paginationResult": {
    "nextPageToken": ""
Request Query Parameters
Name Type Required Description
org_id string Y Encrypted organization UUID.
page_token string N Options for Pagination - page cursor for the page.
page_size int32 N Options for Pagination - maximum number of records to be fetched in each request 0<x<=1000.
vehicle_id string N Raw vehicle UUID to get the results for the requested vehicle UUID.
Response Body Fields
Name Type Nullable Description
vehicleInformation object array Y Array of VehicleInformation containing a list of drivers with their information.
paginationResult object N Object of type PaginationResult.


Name Type Description
vehicleId string Raw vehicle id
vehicleIdEncrypted string Vehicle id in encrypted format
make string Make of the vehicle
model string Model of the vehicle
year int Make year of the vehicle
vin string Vin (chassis number) of the vehicle
licensePlate string License plate ID of the vehicle
color string Name of the vehicle color, e.g. White


Name Type Description
nextPageToken string Can be empty, if there are no more records
Rate Limit
  • Rate limit for this endpoint is 1,00,000 requests per hour per Developer Application.
Endpoint Specific Errors
Http Status Code Code Message
400 bad_request The request parameters are invalid.
500 internal_server_error Internal server error.
403 unauthenticated User does not have permission.
429 rate_limited Number of requests exceeds allowed limit.
503 service_unavailable Service unavailable.
401 unauthorized Invalid OAuth 2.0 credentials.
  • If page_token is not specified, then the default value will be blank.
  • If the returned paginationResult object is not empty, further calls to the endpoint can retrieve the missing entities in the next subsequent requested data, by including the provided nextPageToken along with a valid pageSize (between 1 and 1000).
  • Does the API support sandbox environments?
    • No, the API does not currently support sandbox environments.


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