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Developer application to access platform APIs

Privileged and Confidential This endpoint design has been confidentially shared with you. It is still under development and is subject to change without notice. Please do not share this document or API endpoint details with anyone who is not authorized to have access. For more information read about scopes.

Skip this section and go to Authorization section if you are using a test application provided by Uber.

All the Uber integrations with any external company are managed through Uber’s developer dashboard. Follow the steps below to onboard to Uber

1. Go to developer dashboard

Go to and click SIGN IN. You can use any Uber login for accessing developer dashboard.

Developer Dashboard

2. Create a developer application

Create a developer application at Add a name and description and click CREATE. Note - Please use a self explanatory name for the application, e.g., YourCompanyNameApplication.

Developer Dashboard Application

3. Register redirect URI and privacy policy URL

If you need access to any of the driver APIs that use the Authorization Code OAuth mechanism, register your redirect URI and privacy policy URL in the Auth section.

See details about OAuth here.

4. Register webhook URL

If you are interested in getting webhooks back from Uber, you would also need to register the webhook callback URL in the dashboard.

See details about this webhook process here.

Request access to the Rental Platform APIs and webhooks

Go through the Platform Components and Integration Requirements section to understand the API and webhook offerings provided by rental platform. Once you determine the integration workflows, work with your Uber POC to get access to these APIs and webhooks.


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