Three lines



Get Trip Receipt



The Business Receipt endpoint gives get up-to-date data on trip details after its completion.

NOTE: At this time, Business Receipts can only be generated for Uber Travel trips, not for Uber Central. If you would like to get receipt data for Uber Central, please reach out to your account manager or our team for more information.


OAuth 2.0 bearer token with the business.receipts scope.

Path Parameters
Name Type Description
trip_id string Unique identifier representing a trip.

Example Request

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
     -H 'Accept-Language: en_US' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Status-Code: 200 OK

  "given_name": "Uber",
  "family_name": "Developer",
  "employee_id": "UUID-01-JD",
  "trip_uuid": "5152dcc5-b88d-4754-8b33-975f4067c943",
  "transaction_history": [
      "amount": 6.61,
      "short_reference": "GYYTK",
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "utc_timestamp": "2017-05-07T01:32:39.740Z",
      "transaction_type": "SALE",
      "taxes": [
          "amount": 2.71,
          "name": "",
          "rate": "0.1",
          "rate_type": "GST",
          "authority": {
            "country": "US"
      "network_transaction_id": "MDS6D28IM   0628",
      "net_fare": 6.61,
      "transaction_type_detail": "FARE"
  "vat_amount": null,
  "distance": 1.65,
  "expense_memo": "Jam on life",
  "distance_unit": "miles",
  "dropoff": {
    "location": {
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "country": "US",
      "longitude": -122.4203,
      "state": "CA",
      "address": "1255 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94109, USA",
      "latitude": 37.7886
    "time": {
      "unix_timestamp": 1494120748,
      "utc_offset": "-07:00",
      "utc_timestamp": "2017-05-07T01:32:28.000Z"
  "total_owed": 0,
  "email": "",
  "organization_uuid": "d715e84c-72ea-490e-a060-823f14532632",
  "organization_name": "Organization Example",
  "program_name": "Default",
  "pickup": {
    "location": {
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "country": "US",
      "longitude": -122.3994,
      "state": "CA",
      "address": "131-141 New Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA",
      "latitude": 37.7865
    "time": {
      "unix_timestamp": 1494120043,
      "utc_offset": "-07:00",
      "utc_timestamp": "2017-05-07T01:20:43.000Z"
  "expense_code": "JAM",
  "total_charged": 6.61,
  "duration": "00:11:46",
  "product_name": "uberX",
  "currency_code": "USD",
  "taxes": [
      "amount": 2.71,
      "name": "",
      "rate": "0.1",
      "rate_type": "GST",
      "authority": {
        "country": "US"
  "promotion_amount": 0,
  "receipt_pdf_url": "https://<url>",
  "user_receipt_pdf_url": "https://<url>",
  "invoices": [
      "invoice_number": "KOKESHNJ21010225",
      "invoice_date": "Fri, 05 Jul 2017 02:47:50 UTC",
      "resource_url": "https://<url>"
Response Body Parameters
Name Type Description
trip_uuid string The unique UUID of the trip.
organization_uuid string Unique identifier of the organization.
organization_name string Name of the Uber for Business account.
program_name string Name of the program applied to the trip.
given_name string Given or first name of the employee set in the Uber for Business dashboard.
family_name string Family or last name of the employee set in the Uber for Business dashboard.
email string Email of the employee, as set in the Uber for Business dashboard.
employee_id string ID of the employee, as set in the Uber for Business dashboard.
product_name string The product type that was ordered, ex. UberX, UberPOOL.
duration string The duration in format HH:MM:SS.
distance float The distance of the trip.
distance_unit string The unit of the distance (ex. miles, km)
expense_code string The expense code selected by employee for the trip. Note: Only entered when required in the Uber for
expense_memo string The description of the expense code. Note: Only entered when required in the Uber for Business
invoices object The object containing details about the trip invoices
invoices.invoice_number string The unique invoice identifier for the invoice
invoices.invoice_date string The UTC timestamp for the date the invoice was generated.
invoices.resource_url string The URL of the invoice
pickup object The object containing the information about the pickup for the trip.
pickup.location object The object containing the information about the location of pickup.
pickup.location.latitude float The latitude of the pickup.
pickup.location.longitude float The longitude of the pickup.
pickup.location.address string The full address of the pickup. string The city of the pickup address.
pickup.location.state string The state or province of the pickup address. string The country code of the pickup address.
pickup.time object The object containing details about the time of the pickup.
pickup.time.unix_timestamp integer The unix timestamp for pickup.
pickup.time.utc_timestamp string The UTC timestamp for pickup.
pickup.time.utc_offset string The UTC offset for pickup.
promotionAmount float The promotion amount applied in the trip.
dropoff object The object containing the information about the dropoff for the trip.
dropoff.location object The object containing the information about the location of dropoff.
dropoff.location.latitude float The latitude of the dropoff.
dropoff.location.longitude float The longitude of the dropoff.
dropoff.location.address string The full address of the dropoff. string The city of the dropoff address.
dropoff.location.state string The state or province of the dropoff address. string The country code of the dropoff address.
dropoff.time object The object containing details about the time of the dropoff.
dropoff.time.unix_timestamp integer The unix timestamp for dropoff.
dropoff.time.utc_timestamp string The UTC timestamp for dropoff.
dropoff.time.utc_offset string The UTC offset for dropoff.
total_charged float The total amount due for the trip.
total_owed float The total uncollected for the trip.
vat_amount (deprecated) float The VAT amount for the trip. No longer used – will always return NULL.
currency_code string The currency for which the total_charged was transacted in ISO 4217 format.
transaction_history object The object containing transaction history of the trip, including updates or revisions to payment.
transaction_history.transaction_uuid string The unique ID of the transaction.
transaction_history.transaction_type string The type of transaction, possible options are DISBURSEMENT, DISPUTE, REFUND, SALE.
transaction_history.utc_timestamp string The UTC timestamp of the transaction.
transaction_history.amount float The total amount paid for the transaction.
transaction_history.currency_code string The currency code for the transaction.
transaction_history.short_reference string The short code for the transaction.
transaction_history.taxes object The object contains a list of taxes on the transaction.
transaction_history.taxes.amount float The amount paid in tax. string The name of the tax classification.
transaction_history.taxes.rate string The rate at which the tax is charged.
transaction_history.taxes.rate_type string The rate type of the tax, also known as tax label. For example, GST, VAT, etc.
transaction_history.taxes.authority object The object contains the authority that charged the tax. string The country ISO2 of the authority that charged the tax.
transaction_history.network_transaction_id string The network transaction id for the transaction.
transaction_history.net_fare float The netFare of the transaction
transaction_history.transaction_type_detail string The detail of transaction type. For example FARE AND TIP , TIP, FARE, ADJUSTMENT, etc.
taxes object The object contains a list of taxes on the trip.
taxes.amount float The amount paid in tax. string The name of the tax classification.
taxes.rate string The rate at which the tax is charged.
taxes.rate_type string The rate type of the tax, also known as tax label. For example, GST, VAT, etc.
taxes.authority object The object contains the authority that charged the tax. string The country ISO2 of the authority that charged the tax.
receipt_pdf_url string The URL for U4B receipt PDF. Returns null if receipt PDF is not available.
user_receipt_pdf_url string The URL for User receipt PDF. Returns null if receipt PDF is not available. Note:If the user_receipt_pdf_url contains \u0026, replace it with & before accessing the URL. This adjustment ensures the URL is valid and works as expected.
Error Responses
HTTP Status Code Description
400 bad_request Request specific message
401 not_authenticated Request made without authentication
403 not_authorized Caller not authorized to make this request
404 not_found Entity being fetched not found
429 rate_limited Rate limit exceeded
500 server_error We have experienced a problem


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