Three lines



GET /products


The Products endpoint returns information about the Uber products offered at a given location. The response includes the display name and other details about each product, and lists the products in the proper display order. Some products, such as Uber Eats, are not returned by this endpoint.

This endpoint does not reflect real-time availability of the products. Please use the Time Estimates endpoint to determine real-time availability and ETAs of products.

In some markets, the list of products returned from this endpoint may vary by the time of day due to time restrictions on when that product may be utilized.


GET /v1.2/products


Server token or OAuth 2.0 user access token with any valid scope.

Query parameters
Name Type Description
latitude float Latitude component of location
longitude float Longitude component of location
Example request

Replace <TOKEN> in the example below with a user access token

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
     -H 'Accept-Language: en_US' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Status-Code: 200 OK

  "products": [
      "upfront_fare_enabled": true,
      "capacity": 4,
      "product_id": "d4abaae7-f4d6-4152-91cc-77523e8165a4",
      "price_details": {
        "service_fees": [

        "cost_per_minute": 0.65,
        "distance_unit": "mile",
        "minimum": 15,
        "cost_per_distance": 3.75,
        "base": 8,
        "cancellation_fee": 10,
        "currency_code": "USD"
      "image": "http:\/\/\/car-types\/mono\/mono-black.png",
      "cash_enabled": false,
      "shared": false,
      "short_description": "BLACK",
      "display_name": "BLACK",
      "product_group": "uberblack",
      "description": "THE ORIGINAL UBER"
      "upfront_fare_enabled": true,
      "capacity": 2,
      "product_id": "26546650-e557-4a7b-86e7-6a3942445247",
      "price_details": {
        "service_fees": [
            "fee": 2,
            "name": "Booking fee"
        "cost_per_minute": 0.15,
        "distance_unit": "mile",
        "minimum": 7.45,
        "cost_per_distance": 1.1,
        "base": 2,
        "cancellation_fee": 5,
        "currency_code": "USD"
      "image": "http:\/\/\/car-types\/mono\/mono-uberx.png",
      "cash_enabled": false,
      "shared": true,
      "short_description": "POOL",
      "display_name": "POOL",
      "product_group": "rideshare",
      "description": "Share the ride, split the cost."
      "upfront_fare_enabled": false,
      "capacity": 4,
      "product_id": "2d1d002b-d4d0-4411-98e1-673b244878b2",
      "price_details": {
        "service_fees": [
            "fee": 0.55,
            "name": "Booking fee"
        "cost_per_minute": 0.4,
        "distance_unit": "km",
        "minimum": 9,
        "cost_per_distance": 1.45,
        "base": 2.5,
        "cancellation_fee": 10,
        "currency_code": "AUD"
      "image": "http:\/\/\/car-types\/mono\/mono-uberx.png",
      "cash_enabled": false,
      "shared": false,
      "short_description": "uberX",
      "display_name": "uberX",
      "product_group": "uberx",
      "description": "Everyday rides that are always smarter than a taxi"
      "upfront_fare_enabled": false,
      "capacity": 4,
      "product_id": "3ab64887-4842-4c8e-9780-ccecd3a0391d",
      "price_details": {
        "service_fees": [

        "cost_per_minute": 0.55,
        "distance_unit": "mile",
        "minimum": 3.5,
        "cost_per_distance": 2.75,
        "base": 3.5,
        "cancellation_fee": 5,
        "currency_code": "USD"
      "image": "http:\/\/\/car-types\/mono\/mono-taxi.png",
      "cash_enabled": false,
      "shared": false,
      "short_description": "TAXI",
      "display_name": "TAXI",
      "product_group": "taxi",
      "description": "TAXI WITHOUT THE HASSLE"
Name Type Description
capacity int Product capacity (ex. 4 people)
product_id string Unique identifier representing a specific product for a given latitude and longitude. For example, uberX in San Francisco will have a different product_id than uberX in Los Angeles.
product_group string The product group that this product belongs to. One of rideshare,uberx,uberxl,uberblack, suv, or taxi.
price_details object The basic price details (not including any surge pricing adjustments). This field is null for products with metered fares (taxi) or upfront fares (uberPOOL).
price_details.base float The base price
price_details.minimum float The minimum price of a trip
price_details.cost_per_minute float The charge per minute (if applicable for the product type)
price_details.cost_per_distance float The charge per distance unit (if applicable for the product type)
price_details.distance_unit string The unit of distance used to calculate the fare (either mile or km)
price_details.cancellation_fee float The fee if a rider cancels the trip after the grace period
price_details.currency_code string ISO 4217 currency code
price_details.service_fees array Array containing additional fees added to the price of a product
price_details.service_fees[].name string The service fee name
price_details.service_fees[].fee float The service fee amount
image string Image URL representing the product
cash_enabled boolean Specifies whether this product allows cash payments
shared boolean Specifies whether this product allows for the pickup and drop off of other riders during the trip
short_description string An abbreviated description of the product. Localized according to Accept-Language header.
display_name string Product display name
description string Product description


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