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Single Sign On

Single Sign On (SSO) is a feature that enables you to authorize your users using the native Uber application. It is only available through the Android and iOS mobile SDKs.

User flow overview

When your user decides to sign in with Uber, it is determined if the native Uber application is installed on the mobile device. If it isn’t, the users will be redirected to a web-view in order to sign in and approve or deny the authentication. If the Uber app is installed, the app will be opened up and the user will be presented with a permissions page to allow your app access to their account. In case the user is not logged into the Uber app, a login screen will appear first. After approving the authentication request, the user will be directed back to your app with a callback.

Please review the SSO flowchart for a detailed overview.

Getting started with SSO

The steps to use Uber SSO features depend on the platform you are using. However, the first step is equivalent for both platforms: you are required to update your App Signature in the Developer Dashboard, under the Settings tab.

On iOS, your Bundle ID represents the app signature. Find your Bundle ID in XCode under the “General” tab of your XCode project, in the field “Bundle Identifier”.

For Android, the hash of your signing certificate represents the app signature. You can run this command to get it:

keytool -exportcert -alias <your_key_alias> -keystore <your_keystore_path> | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

After updating the App Signature field on your dashboard, please follow the platform-dependent steps:


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