Three lines



GET /authorize

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The Authorize endpoint allows you to redirect a user to the authorization URL for your application.



Note: This endpoint requires as a base URL.



Query Parameters
Parameter Description
response_type OAuth 2.0 response type. Your application can use either code or id_token as values.
client_id The client ID of your application.
scope Space delimited list of grant scopes you would like to have permission to access on behalf of the user. If none are provided the default is the set selected in your application’s dashboard. It is invalid to provide no scopes and have none selected in the dashboard.
state (optional) State which will be passed back to you to prevent tampering.
redirect_uri The URI we will redirect back to after an authorization by the resource owner. The base of the URI must match the redirect_uri used during the registration of your application. If none is provided the default is the first redirect URI provided in the application’s dashboard. It is invalid to provide no redirect uri and have none in the dashboard.
prompt (optional) login is the only acceptable input at this time. When specified, always prompts the user to re-authenticate even if their browser session is already logged in to Uber.

Example Request

Redirect your user to the authorization URL and supply the query parameters described below.<CLIENT_ID>&response_type=code&scope=profile


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