Three lines



Rate Limiting

The Uber API enforces rate limits to help distribute resources among apps. There are primarily two types of rate limits, which are dependent on the authentication method used:

Rate limits

Always use an OAuth bearer token that represents a user in your app to make requests for the highest default rate limit.

Type Entity Level Description Default Limit
All requests App Based on total requests from app 500 requests per 5 seconds
Server token App Based on registered app’s server_token 2000 requests per hour
OAuth bearer token User Based on authorized user’s bearer token 2000 requests per hour

There is a short-term rate limit of 500 HTTP requests per 5 seconds per app to protect against bursts of traffic and abuse. There can also be rate limits for specific endpoints. See the endpoint specific API references for details.

HTTP error responses

HTTP responses will return a 429 status code for any request until the rate limit has dropped below the required threshold. The response body will contain the following JSON object:

{"message":"Exceeded rate limit","code":"rate_limited"}

Request a rate limit increase

If you are consistently receiving rate limit errors, please reach out with application details including your client ID via a direct message on Twitter at @UberDevelopers or post to the our Uber Developers Google Group. The rate limit increase only applies to the server token that represents your app (not a specific user authenticated in your app).


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