Three lines



Uber Pay for consumers

Preview of an integration

The following sections describe what a user flow looks like once you integrate.

User flows for consumers

Our tools provide locally-relevant payment methods as options. This enables consumers to add credit to their Uber wallet. After someone selects the amount to add and their payment method, they see a checkout page or external application to confirm the payment. After they confirm, we distribute funds to the person and they can use it to purchase goods and services from Uber. These user interfaces look like this:

Add Funds Flow #1 Add Funds Flow #2

Paying with Uber Wallet

After someone adds funds to their Uber Wallet, they can pay for rides or Eat orders by selecting this wallet as their payment method. If a person runs out of funds, they can simply add credit to their wallet again to easily pay for Uber services. The following images show the user experience:

Wallet Experience


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