Three lines



Integration Guide - Error Codes

Error Codes

Uber Pay uses HTTP response status codes to indicate the result of your requests. There are three status code ranges:

  • 2xx: successfully executed the request
  • 4xx: an error due to the request provided
  • 5xx: a rare error with Uber Pay servers

You SHOULD retry on 5xx response with the same idempotency key and the same request parameters.

For failed 4xx requests, Uber Pay returns an appropriate error code in the metadata field of response. Below is a list of possible error codes with additional information.

Error Code Description
TRANSACTION_ALREADY_PROCESSED The transaction has already been confirmed.

This is an example response with a specific error code:

   "code": "conflict",
   "message": "Conflict",
   "metadata": {
       "type": "Deposit",
       "uri": "//payments/deposits/af9d61aa-b290-4849-b0a7-77bd85a971c4"


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