Three lines





Term Definition
Consumer Customers who request a ride through Uber, or order with Eats
Earner Drivers and delivery people who earn money through the Uber platform
Funding method The origin of the funds. This can be a payment method, such as a card or digital wallet, or a form of stored value like airline miles or loyalty points.
Idempotency You can use the same access token for future requests once you successfully perform an initial request with these credentials. If your request fails, either due to client or server error, you can retry with the same idempotency key and same request parameter values. This retried call is processed as if you’ve made a new request.

All the scenarios below assume that you have already created a Deposit object. The response indicates the behavior of subsequent requests with the same idempotency key.

Scenario Response
Any change in the request parameter HTTP 409, with details in the response body. Deposit resource is not in the same state.
Deposit resource is not in the same state. HTTP 409. Details of error in the response body.
Deposit resource is in the same state. HTTP 200. Return Deposit resource.
Source account A merchant account created by Uber.

For each money flow, Uber creates different merchant accounts within the Uber system. Creating different merchant accounts allows for easier reconciliation and accounting processes later on.

Uber expects merchants to create a one-to-one mapping within their system of those merchant’s accounts. Uber provides the source account details to the merchant for each money flow.

Uber Cash A reloadable balance that consumers can spend on rides, Eats orders, and more.
Uber Wallet The section in our apps dedicated to payments, where users track their earning and spending history and manage and move their money.


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