Three lines



UCLID Notification

WEBHOOK: POSThttps://<YOUR_WEBHOOK_URI> event_type: orders.trips.uclid-info

Privileged and Confidential This endpoint design has been confidentially shared with you. It is still under development and is subject to change without notice. Please do not share this document or API endpoint details with anyone who is not authorized to have access. For more information read about scopes.

Event indicating that a trip has been created with linked UCLID (Uber Click ID).


You will get trip events if you have access token granted for consumers.trips.authcode authcode scope.

Webhook Event Structure

Name Type Description
order_id string Unique UUID identifying the created trip.
uclid string External reference identifier (UUIDv4) which was sent by external partners while creating the trip.
user_detail object Object containing user detail.
user_detail.user_id string Rider ID for whom this trip is created.
webhook_meta object Object containing additional information that is specific to the webhook.
webhook_meta.client_id string Client ID for the developer.
webhook_config_id string Unique identifier of the webhook type.
webhook_msg_timestamp integer Unix timestamp of the time the webhook event was pushed.
webhook_msg_uuid string Unique identifier, which can be used to ensure that the webhooks are digested only once.
Example Webhook
    "order_id": "6148a58a-2977-40ee-95db-070ef2af20d5",
    "uclid": "f3de37c0-6fea-4d23-85f7-e71b0b6db110",
    "user_detail": {
        "user_id": "8Zqm9wiZox6RKkYlG8RCYDUAtRarZVpWMLxzZHRykH1sGu0jlQ8vp9G0Jr52D81kZNdqP5NZ1upbzx-cZf892tHYnE3Wp7U8yT2YZV6sA1z8dygxxbaUiKojc2wzgNlL4g=="
    "webhook_meta" : {
        "client_id": "8UeUmcctZb_HiryB1L5G-ytquIjJy8II",
    "webhook_config_id": "orders.trips.uclid-info",
    "webhook_msg_timestamp": 1694783341,
    "webhook_msg_uuid": "fd56bd1a-233c-4d91-8a76-466b14358cbd"


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