Three lines



Dispatch and Cancellation

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Dispatch Ride:

  • Reserve ride flow:

Dispatch Ride Flow

On-demand & Scheduled ride flow:

On-demand & Scheduled Ride Flow

Dispatch and Trip States

After the trip is created, Uber will begin searching for a driver based on the scheduling option:

  • Immediate / On-Demand: Dispatch happens immediately.
  • Scheduled: Dispatch is timed to match driver arrival with the scheduled pickup time.
  • Flexible: Dispatch occurs when the rider responds to the SMS.

The trip follows these states in a happy path:

  • Processing: Matching to the most efficient available driver.
  • Accepted: A driver is assigned and is on the way to the pickup location.
  • Arriving: The driver has arrived or is within 0.2 miles of the pickup point.
  • In Progress: The trip is underway, from pickup to dropoff.
  • Completed: The trip has been completed by the driver.

Handling Driver Cancellations

If the driver cancels after accepting the trip, Uber will attempt to redispatch the trip to another driver:

  • Driver Re dispatch: Uber will attempt to assign a new driver.
  • No Drivers Available: If no driver is found, the trip will enter a terminal state called no_drivers_available, meaning the trip ends and no further action will occur.
  • Driver Cancel: If the driver waits at the pickup point and cancels after a set time, the trip ends in a driver_canceled state. The cancellation wait time varies by product.

Terminal States

A trip can end in one of two terminal states, besides the usual completed state:

  • No Drivers Available: No drivers were found to fulfill the request.
  • Driver Canceled: The driver canceled the trip after waiting at the pickup point.

In rare cases, a trip can be canceled by the rider (coordinator) or completed by the driver while the trip is in progress, typically in emergencies.

Driver Canceled (driver_canceled status in the API)

Uber Cancellation Policy:

  • If the driver waits for at least 5 minutes at the pickup location and then cancels, a no-show cancellation fee is charged.

    • If the driver cancels before 5 minutes, there is no fee, and Uber will attempt to redispatch another driver.

    Cancellation Fee: The fee will be the higher of:

    • The minimum cancellation fee for the city, OR
    • The time/distance-based rates from matching to pickup.

    Note: If a cancellation fee is charged, no other fees (like wait time or long pickup) will apply.

Rider Canceled (rider_canceled status in the API)

Uber Cancellation Policy:

  • If the rider cancels the ride 2 minutes after the driver is matched, a cancellation fee is charged.

    Cancellation Fee: The fee is the higher of:

    • The minimum cancellation fee for the city, OR
    • The time/distance-based rates from matching to pickup.

    Note: If a cancellation fee is charged, no additional fees (wait time, long pickup) will be applied.


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