Three lines



Update Item


Access to These APIs May Require Written Approval From Uber

Uber’s APIs are always under development and as such are subject to changes according to our Versioning & Upgrade policy. As part of Uber’s ongoing privacy improvements, we’ve updated our Developer API program with new scope access policies for third party applications. For further information, please refer to our Getting Started guide in the navigation panel.

Disclaimer: If you have not used upload menu endpoint before, you might receive a 404 error while using update item endpoint. To avoid it, please use the upload menu endpoint once before using update item.

This Update Item endpoint updates an individual item within a menu. This allows you to make smaller edits without needing to send the entire menu. This endpoint performs sparse updates, meaning that it will only update a field if it is specified.


OAuth 2.0 Bearer token with the scope. For more information, see Authentication.

Path Parameters

Name Type Description
store_id string Unique identifier representing a store.
item_id string Unique identifier representing an item.

Request Body Parameters

Request Body Parameters - UpdateItemConfiguration

A configuration specifying how to update an item

Name Type Description
price_info PriceRules (optional) Specifies the price to charge for ordering the item. Allows overrides dependant on the ordered item’s context
suspension_info SuspensionRules (optional) Suspends the item from sale, e.g. when out of stock, until a specified time. Allows overrides dependent on context
menu_type string (enum) (optional) Menu type to update, menus must be split by PUT api before using. Currently we only support item price and item availability differentiation.

Defaults to MENU_TYPE_FULFILLMENT_DELIVERY if not provided. NOTE: MENU_TYPE_FULFILLMENT_DINE_IN is enabled in Australia and NZ only
product_info ProductInfo (optional) Product identification information i.e. GTIN/UPC codes
classifications Classifications (optional) Classifications of an item for supplemental information
beverage_info BeverageInfo (optional) Additional information about food items. Such as caffeine amount
physical_properties_info PhysicalPropertiesInfo (optional) Additional product information related to products’ physical properties. ie. storage instructions, reusable packaging
medication_info MedicationInfo (optional) Additional information about medications
nutritional_info NutritionalInfo (optional) Specifies the nutritional info for an item
selling_info SellingInfo (optional) Defines the selling information for an item
Request Body Parameters - PriceRules

Specifies the price to charge for ordering the item.

Name Type Description
price int Price of the item in the lowest local currency denomination, e.g. cents.
core_price int (optional) The intrinsic value of the item, in the lowest local currency denomination, e.g. cents.

Used for refunds if the item is reported missing and in other cases where the intrinsic value of the item is needed.

Must be >= price.

Example Usage: A medium drink may be free (price=0) as part of a combo, but if reported missing the intrinsic value (corePrice) should be refunded to the customer.

Can be set for Items and Modifier Options but currently only used for determining value of Modifier Options.
container_deposit int (optional) Metadata on the amount of deposit charged for returnable bottles/containers, in the lowest local currency denomination, e.g. cents. Only for metadata, does not affect price when ordering.
overrides PriceOverride[] (optional) Overrides for the price in different contexts.
priced_by_unit MeasurementUnit (optional) “per measurement” unit the item price is based on.

Example Price Change Request

  "price_info": {
    "price": 1300, // price in cents
    "overrides": [],
    "container_deposit": 100 // container deposit in cents


Status-Code: 204 No Content
Request Body Parameters - PriceOverride

Overrides the item price in a specified context

Name Type Description
context_type string (enum) Type of the context in which to override.

  • “MENU”
  • “ITEM”
context_value string Identifying string (id) for the specified context.
price int Price of the item in the lowest local currency denomination, e.g. cents.
Request Body Parameters - SuspensionRules

Suspends the item from sale for a specified period of time.

Name Type Description
suspension Suspension (optional) Any active suspension for the item.
overrides SupensionOverride[] (optional) Overrides for the suspension in different contexts.
Request Body Parameters - Suspension

Describes why, and until when, an item is suspended from sale.

Name Type Description
suspend_until int (optional) The time at which the item will return to being available for sale, specified as a Unix timestamp in seconds since Jan 1, 1970. A null value, or time in the past, indicates that an item is available - otherwise it will be shown as “Sold Out” and unavailable to order.
reason string (optional) Describes the reason for the suspension.
Request Body Parameters - SuspensionOverride

Overrides an item’s suspension in a specified context.

Name Type Description
context_type string (enum) Type of the context in which to override.

  • “MENU”
  • “ITEM”
context_value string Identifying string (id) for the specified context.
suspension Suspension Suspension settings for the item in the context.
Request Body Parameters - ProductInfo

Product identification information i.e. UPC code

Name Type Description
target_market string (optional) Target market for the product. ISO 3166 2-letter code: In addition, values “ALL” (all markets) and “EU” (European Union) are also supported.
gtin string (optional) GTIN for product, which could be UPC/EAN code.
plu string (optional) If the product is fresh produce, it can be identified using PLU code.
merchant_id string (optional) If product doesn’t have gtin or plu, item can be identified using merchant’s internal id.
product_type string (optional) The product type associated with the item. Can be set along with GITN/PLU/MerchantID. See list of product types
product_traits []string (optional) A list of the product traits associated with the item. Can be set along with GITN/PLU/MerchantID. See list of product traits.
countries_of_origin []string (optional) The countries of origin of the product
Request Body Parameters - Classifications

Specifies the classifications for an item.

Name Type Description
can_serve_alone boolean (optional) Indicates whether the item can be served on its own.

This has implications in alcohol markets because in certain cases, alcohol must be sold with an entree (it cannot be sold alone). In that case, we want to know whether each item can qualify as an entree.

Alcoholic items that also qualify as entrees (e.g. beer braised chicken) can be sold alone.

If an item is not alcoholic, we still want to know if it’s considered an entree so we can determine if, for example, the eater can buy a non-entree alcohol item and combine it with this one.
is_vegetarian boolean (optional) Not used anymore. Please use DietaryLabelInfo instead.
alcoholic_items int (optional) Indicates if an item is alcoholic, and if so, how much alcohol content there is. For example, an item “six-pack beer” should have alcoholic_items set to 6.

A value of null or 0 indicates that the item is non-alcoholic. This field is only used in whitelisted alcohol markets.
dietary_label_info DietaryLabelInfo (optional) Contains dietary labels.
instructions_for_use string (optional) Instructions for use/prepare the product (max 200 characters)
ingredients []string (optional) ingredients of the product (max 50 ingredients)
additives []string (optional) List of additives in the product
preparation_type string (optional) Information on how the dish is prepared. Must be PREPACKAGED or empty.
food_business_operator FoodBusinessOperator (optional) Specifies the food business operator of the product.
is_high_fat_salt_sugar boolean (optional) Indicates whether the item contains high fat/salt/sugar.
Request Body Parameters - FoodBusinessOperator
Name Type Description
name string Name of the food business operator.
address string Address of the food business operator.
Request Body Parameters - PhysicalPropertiesInfo

Additional product information related to products’ physical properties.

Name Type Description
reusable_packaging boolean (optional) Indicates if the product comes in reusable packaging.
storage_instructions string (optional) Instructions for storage. (max 200 characters)
Request Body Parameters - BeverageInfo

Additional information about food items. Such as caffeine amount.

Name Type Description
caffeine_amount integer (optional) Amount of caffeine in the beverage in milligrams (mg).
alcohol_by_volume int (optional) Percentage of alcohol in E2 format. ie. 1275 is 12.75%
coffee_info CoffeeInfo (optional) Specifies additional coffee info
Request Body Parameters - CoffeeInfo
Name Type Description
coffee_bean_origin []string (optional) List of countries of the coffee bean origin
Request Body Parameters - MedicationInfo
Name Type Description
medical_prescription_required boolean (optional) Specifies if prescription is required for the medication.
Request Body Parameters - NutritionalInfo

Specifies the nutritional info for an item.

Name Type Description
calories EnergyInfo (optional) Net energy content of the item, in calories
kilojoules EnergyInfo (optional) Net energy content of the item, in kilojoules
serving_size MeasurementInterval (optional) The amount per 1 serving size for a product. Ie. 100g per serving in a bag of chips
number_of_servings int (optional) The number of servings in the product ie. 3 servings for a 300g bag of chips with 100g per serving
number_of_servings_interval Interval (optional) The number of people the product serves (ie. serves 2-4 people)
net_quantity MeasurementInterval (optional) The net quantity of the product. Ie. 300g for a bag of chips
calories_per_serving EnergyInfo (optional) Energy content of the item per serving, in calories
kilojoules_per_serving EnergyInfo (optional) Energy content of the item per serving, in kilojoules
fat NutrientInfo (optional) Information on the fat nutrient of the item
saturated_fatty_acids NutrientInfo (optional) Information on the saturated fat nutrient of the item
carbohydrates NutrientInfo (optional) Information on the carbohydrates nutrient of the item
sugar NutrientInfo (optional) Information on the sugar nutrient of the item
protein NutrientInfo (optional) Information on the protein nutrient of the item
salt NutrientInfo (optional) Information on the salt nutrient of the item
allergens []string (optional) List of allergens in the product
Request Body Parameters - MeasurementInterval
Name Type Description
measurement_type string One of MEASUREMENT_TYPE_WEIGHT, MEASUREMENT_TYPE_VOLUME, MEASUREMENT_TYPE_COUNT - the measurement type of the interval
weight_interval WeightInterval The weight interval for the measurement. Must be set if measurement_type is MEASUREMENT_TYPE_WEIGHT
volume_interval VolumeInterval The volume interval for the measurement. Must be set if measurement_type is MEASUREMENT_TYPE_VOLUME
count_interval CountInterval The count interval for the measurement. Must be set if measurement_type is MEASUREMENT_TYPE_COUNT
Request Body Parameters - Interval

The interval can behave as a single value (not an interval) if lower is equal to upper.

Name Type Description
lower int The lower value of the described closed interval. If undefined, the interval behaves as a left-unbounded/right-bounded closed interval. In E5 format ie. 123456 = 1.2345
upper int (optional) The upper value of the described closed interval. If undefined, the interval behaves as a left-bounded/right-unbounded closed interval. In E5 format ie. 123456 = 1.2345
Request Body Parameters - NutrientInfo
Name Type Description
amount WeightInterval Amount of the nutrient per serving
Request Body Parameters - WeightInterval

The interval can behave as a single value (not an interval) if lower is equal to upper.

Name Type Description
interval Interval The lower value of the described closed interval. If undefined, the interval behaves as a left-unbounded/right-bounded closed interval. In E5 format ie. 123456 = 1.2345
weight Weight The weight in the interval
Request Body Parameters - VolumeInterval

The interval can behave as a single value (not an interval) if lower is equal to upper.

Name Type Description
interval Interval The lower value of the described closed interval. If undefined, the interval behaves as a left-unbounded/right-bounded closed interval. In E5 format ie. 123456 = 1.2345
volume Volume The volume in the interval
Request Body Parameters - CountInterval

The interval can behave as a single value (not an interval) if lower is equal to upper.

Name Type Description
interval Interval The lower value of the described closed interval. If undefined, the interval behaves as a left-unbounded/right-bounded closed interval. In E5 format ie. 123456 = 1.2345
count Count The count in the interval
Request Body Parameters - Weight
Name Type Description
Request Body Parameters - Volume
Name Type Description
Request Body Parameters - Count
Name Type Description
unit_type string One of COUNT_UNIT_TYPE_CUSTOM, COUNT_UNIT_TYPE_PIECE, COUNT_UNIT_TYPE_SLICE, COUNT_UNIT_TYPE_TABLET, COUNT_UNIT_TYPE_CAPSULE. CUSTOM is for products that use a special unit like its own name as the count unit, e.g. 1 cookie, 1 candy bar. Must be set if unit_type is COUNT
custom_unit string Name of the custom unit (ie. 1 cookie) if the unit_type is CUSTOM
Request Body Parameters - EnergyInfo

Specifies the energy content of an item.

Name Type Description
energy_interval Interval The lower value of the described closed interval. If undefined, the interval behaves as a left-unbounded/right-bounded closed interval. In E5 format ie. 123456 = 1.2345
lower_range int (deprecated) The lower range of the energy content. This is used in various ways depending on the display_type.
upper_range int (deprecated) The upper range of the energy content. This is used in various ways depending on the display_type.
display_type string
  • “single_item”: takes the value of lower_range as is (e.g. “10”)
  • “double_items”: takes both lower_range and upper_range (e.g. “10/20”)
  • “additive_item”: takes the value of lower_range and prepends a plus (e.g. “+10”)
  • “multiple_items”: takes the value of lower_range and upper_range as a range (e.g. “10-20)
Request Body Parameters - SellingInfo

Defines the selling information for an item.

Name Type Description
selling_options SellingOption[] List containing information about how an item can be sold by.
Request Body Parameters - SellingOption

Contains the information about how an item can be sold by.

Name Type Description
sold_by_unit MeasurementUnit (optional) Describes the measurement unit an item can be sold by.
quantity_constraints SellingQuantityConstraint (optional) Describes the constraints that an item has in a particular SellingOption.
priced_by_to_sold_by_unit_conversion_info PricedByToSoldByUnitConversionInfo (optional) Describes conversion info between “priced_by” and “sold_by” quantities.
Request Body Parameters - MeasurementUnit

Describes a measurement unit.

Name Type Description
measurement_type string (enum) Describes the measurement unit an item can be sold by.

Defaults to MEASUREMENT_TYPE_INVALID if not provided.
length_unit string (enum) (optional) Describe in which unit the type MEASUREMENT_TYPE_LENGTH is measured in. Must be set if MEASUREMENT_TYPE_LENGTH is set.

weight_unit string (enum) (optional) Describe in which unit the type MEASUREMENT_TYPE_WEIGHT is measured in. Must be set if MEASUREMENT_TYPE_WEIGHT is set.

volume_unit string (enum) (optional) Describe in which unit the type MEASUREMENT_TYPE_VOLUME is measured in. Must be set if MEASUREMENT_TYPE_VOLUME is set.

Request Body Parameters - SellingQuantityConstraint

Describes the constraints that an item has in a particular SellingOption.

Name Type Description
min_permitted float (optional) Minimum quantity of total items allowed (inclusive). Max precision: 5 decimal places after the decimal point (e.g 0.12345)
max_permitted float (optional) Maximum quantity of total items allowed (inclusive). Max precision: 5 decimal places after the decimal point (e.g 0.12345)
increment float (optional) Incremental quantity that is allowed on quantity adjustment. Max precision: 5 decimal places after the decimal point (e.g 0.12345)
default_quantity float (optional) Default quantity that would be pre-selected. Max precision: 5 decimal places after the decimal point (e.g 0.12345)
Request Body Parameters - PricedByToSoldByUnitConversionInfo

Describes conversion info between “priced_by” and “sold_by” quantities.

Name Type Description
conversion_rate float (optional) The conversion ratio. Usage: “priced_by” quantity = “sold_by” quantity * conversionRate. Max precision: 5 decimal places after the decimal point (e.g 0.12345)

Request Body Example

POST /v2/eats/stores/{store_id}/menus/items/{item_id}

  "suspension_info": {
    "suspension": null,
    "overrides": [
        "context_type": "MODIFIER_GROUP",
        "context_value": "size",
        "suspension": {
          "suspend_until": 8640000000,
          "reason": null
  "product_info": {
    "target_market": "EU",
    "gtin": "1354435445"


Status-Code: 204 No Content

This endpoint returns an empty response body.


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