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Introduction to Eats APIs

Access to These APIs May Require Written Approval From Uber

Uber’s APIs are always under development and as such are subject to changes according to our Versioning & Upgrade policy. As part of Uber’s ongoing privacy improvements, we’ve updated our Developer API program with new scope access policies for third party applications. For further information, please refer to our Getting Started guides.

The Eats APIs enable partners to programmatically manage stores, menus and orders on the Uber Eats platform.


The Integration Activation API can be used to associate your application to a merchant’s location within Uber. Using the merchant’s authorization, you can retrieve their store-list, and allow them to select the locations to configure and activate.

Use the Store API to onboard; manage; or enumerate merchant store information and temporal store status (pausing; unpausing; and holiday hour overrides). These APIs can also be used to manage app access and integration details on a store level.

The Menu API provides the ability to manage menus as well as regular store hours.

Ingest and manage incoming orders from Uber Eats with the Order API. The API includes webhooks for incoming order notifications and cancellations from Uber Eats. Retrieve, accept, deny, and cancel orders with the Order API endpoints.

Use the Reporting API to request and access standardized reporting. The API includes a notification webhook once a report is completed.

Integration Activation API Suite
API Endpoints
  • GET Stores
    Retrieve the locations for a given user authorized to your application.
  • POST Activate Integration
    Associate application to a merchant’s location.
  • GET Integration Data
    Retrieve specific integration information for a location.
  • PATCH Update Integration Data
    Update integration configuration for a location.
  • DELETE Remove Integration
    Remove your application association from a store.

Webhook Notifications
  • store.provisioned Webhook
    Inform application a location has been provisioned to your application.
  • store.deprovisioned Webhook
    Inform application a location has been de-provisioned from your application.
Menu API Suite
API Endpoints
  • GET Menu
    Retrieve existing store menu.
  • PUT Menu
    Create, update, delete menu and menu items.
  • POST Update Item
    Update item availability and pricing.
Store Management
API Endpoints
  • GET Store Details
    Retrieve store information.
  • GET List All Stores
    Retrieve all stores provisioned to developer.
  • GET/POST Restaurant Status
    Retrieve store availability status and set stores on/offline.
  • GET POS Status
    Check if stores are order-integrated.
  • POST POS Data
    Activate store integration.
    Remove store integration.
  • PATCH Update POS Status
    Disable or enable order integration.
  • GET/POST Holiday Hours
    Retrieve and set date-specific store hours.
Order Workflow Management
API Endpoints
  • orders.notification Webhook
    Get Notified when an order is placed on a location your application is enabled.
  • GET Order Details
    Retrieve order details.
  • POST Order Acceptance
    Accept order.
  • POST Order Denial
    Deny order.
  • POST Cancel Order
    Cancel accepted orders.
  • POST Resolve Fulfillment Issues
    Resolve fulfillment issues due to cart issues
  • Mark Order Ready
    Inform Uber an order is ready to assist in modeling dispatch of delivery partners.
  • POST Adjust Order Price
    Adjust the order price based on customer contacting restaurant.
  • POST Update Ready Time
    Update the expected time for an order to be ready for pickup.
  • GET Orders
    Retrieve orders.

Webhook Notifications
  • orders.failed Webhook
    Notification event for cancelled Eats order.
  • order.fulfillment_issues.resolved Webhook
    When a customer has adjusted their cart based on usage of Order Fulfillment endpoint.
Reporting API Suite
API Endpoints
  • POST Report
    Request reporting.

Webhook Notifications
  • Webhook
    Notification event for completed report job.
Point-of-Sale (POS) Integrations

Get the most value out of the APIs by setting them up to synchronize your store menu from your store’s POS system.

Once this is set up, you can inject Eats orders straight to the POS. This eliminates the need for manual and duplicate processes between Eats and the POS, such as marking items as sold out or transposing order details from tablets.

Next steps

Before starting an integration, we first suggest reviewing the following page(s):

  • Versioning & Upgrade Timelines
    To ensure you can accomodate our upgrade schedules and that your integration is built to be resilient to non-breaking changes.
  • Quality & Performance Standards
    To ensure your integration is built in a way that can meet the standards and performance criteria outlined in this document.

Once you are ready, visit our Getting Started page to begin the integration process.


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