Three lines




Pincode verification is an optional method for courier dropoff that adds an extra layer of security. It requires the courier to obtain and enter a 4-digit pincode from the customer. Once the courier enters the correct pincode in the Driver App, the verification step is satisfied, and the courier can successfully complete the dropoff.

Here are some important points to note about pincode verification:

  • Usage for Merchants: Pincode verification can be applied if you have our SMS functionality enabled (or have the ability to send SMS/Push notification on your own).

  • Usage with Other Verification Methods: Pincode verification can be used in conjunction with other verification methods like barcodes, signatures, sobriety check & photos.

  • Dropoff Only: Pincode verification is applicable only during the dropoff process and cannot be used during pickup.

  • Not Compatible with Leave-at-Door: The pincode verification cannot be used if the “Leave-at-Door” option is selected for the delivery.

By leveraging pincode verification, delivery services can enhance security and ensure that the right package is handed over to the correct recipient.

Enabling Pincode Verification

To enable pincode verification for a delivery, you need to include the following pincode object in the request body of the Create Delivery API:

  "dropoff_verification": {
    "pincode": {
      "enabled": true

When pincode verification is enabled, all API responses (i.e Create Delivery API response, Get Delivery API response & Update Delivery API response) will contain the following object:

  "verification_requirements": {
    "pincode": {
      "value": "6066",
      "enabled": true

For deliveries with pincode verification, all Delivery Status Webhook events will include the following object in the response body:

  "verification_requirements": {
    "pincode": {
      "enabled": true,
      "value": "6066"

In summary, by adding the pincode object with the enabled set to true, you activate pincode verification for the delivery, and the response will provide the necessary information about the verification requirements.

Pincode SMS to Customer

When the delivery is created, the customer receives their pincode via SMS:

Event SMS
Start of Pickup Window Your PIN is 6066. Do not share your PIN with others, only you can provide the PIN to receive your order.
Courier On Route It’s on the way! Your delivery person Jerick S. has your order. Tell them your PIN is 6066 to confirm the delivery.
Courier Arriving Your order is arriving now. Get ready to meet Jerick S. at the door. Tell them your PIN is 6066 to confirm the delivery.
Delivery Completed Delivered! Your order from Test Account 2000 Ocean Ave TEST has been delivered.


The courier flow for pincode verification: Pincode Screen in SMS

FAQ for Pincode

Are the couriers made aware of how pincode verification works?

Yes, a How a PIN works guide is provided for deliveries with pincode verification.

What happens if a customer is unable to provide the pincode or is not present at the time of dropoff?

The courier is instructed to go to the I need help section or contact support to report the issue.

Can you modify an active delivery to remove pincode verification?

Currently, you cannot remove pincode verification once the delivery has been created.


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