Three lines



Shopping Progress Notifications

WEBHOOK: POSThttps://<YOUR_WEBHOOK_URI> event_type: event.shopping_progress

In Courier Pick & Pack there are Shopping Progress Webhook notifications. These new webhooks will be emitted whenever the courier takes an action for an item while they are shopping. Each item could have multiple events. For example, if a courier replaces an item and the customer is unhappy with this replacement, when the courier takes a follow-up action (such as choosing a new replacement or removing the item entirely), a new webhook event of type event.shopping_progress will be emitted.

Sample Webhook

The fields may vary based on different statuses and situations. For accurate field definitions, please refer to the Fields Definition and verify them on your own.

  "created": "53927476-05-31T05:00:54.505Z",
  "data": {
    "manifest_item": {
      "name": "Bud Light 12x 12oz Cans",
      "price": 1578,
      "quantity": 1,
      "fulfilled_quantity": null,
      "sku": "098083535562"
    "replacement_item": {
      "name": "Sierra Nevada Pale Ale 6x 12oz Cans",
      "price": 1130,
      "quantity": 1,
      "sku": "083783535419"
  "delivery_id": "16a7622c-7acb-4641-8acb-2862fdb11452",
  "id": "evt_ss69d6NfTwSWPJas2uCJxA",
  "item_status": "suggested",
  "kind": "event.shopping_progress"

Fields Definition

Field Description
created Timestamp indicating when the event was generated.
delivery_id The identifier of the delivery the event applies to.
data The webhook details. Please refer the Data Object Definition for more information.
id Unique identifier for this event instance.
kind The kind of event in more detail (event.courier_update).
live_mode Flag indicating if the event applies to a live vs a test delivery.
developer_id Unique identifier for the developer the above customer_id maps to.
route_id Unique identifier of the route. This value can be used to identify when multiple deliveries are being picked up by a single courier.
item_status Status of the item: fulfilled,removed,replaced, suggested.

Data Object Definition

The data object contains more detailed information about the webhook.
Field Description
manifest_item The item that was originally requested in CreateDelivery. Name of the item.
manifest_item.quantity Requested quantity of the item.
manifest_item.fulfilled_quantity Actual quantity picked.
manifest_item.sku External ID of the item in the merchant’s system.
manifest_item.price Price in cents ( ¹/₁₀₀ of currency unit ). i.e.: $10.99 => 1099.
manifest_item.weight Weight in grams.
manifest_item.fulfilled_weight Actual weight picked in grams.
manifest_item.replacement_item Replacement item if the original item could not be found. Name of the item.
manifest_item.replacement_item.quantity Quantity of the replacement item.
manifest_item.replacement_item.sku External ID of the item in the merchant’s system.
manifest_item.replacement_item.price Price in cents ( ¹/₁₀₀ of currency unit ). i.e.: $10.99 => 1099.
manifest_item.replacement_item.weight Weight in grams.


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