Three lines



Delivery Status Webhook

WEBHOOK: POSThttps://<YOUR_WEBHOOK_URI> event_type: event.delivery_status

A Webhook of type event.delivery_status will be sent whenever the delivery status or courier_imminent changes.

The delivery status Webhook event will contain a status field to give you the new status, and a data field that gives you up-to-date delivery data. For examples, please check the sample webhook.

Definition of Delivery Status

This table illustrates the status and courier_imminent fields of the webhooks you will receive throughout the delivery lifecycle (note that canceled and returned are not mandatory for every delivery).

# status courier_imminent Action How is it triggered?
0 pending Delivery has been accepted but does not yet have a courier assigned Via API once the delivery is created
1 pickup FALSE Courier is assigned and moving towards the pickup Via the courier App (manually) after the courier accepted the delivery offer card
2 pickup TRUE Courier is 1 minute away from the pickup Via the courier App (automatically) after GPS detects the courier is 1 minute away from the pickup location
3 pickup_complete Courier completed the pickup Via the courier App (manually) after the courier swiped to complete the pickup
4 dropoff FALSE Courier is moving towards the dropoff Via the courier App (manually) after the courier swiped to complete the pickup
5 dropoff TRUE Courier is 1 minute away from the dropoff Via the courier App (automatically) after GPS detects the courier is 1 minute away from the dropoff location
6 delivered Courier has completed the delivery Via the courier App (manually) after the courier swiped to complete the dropoff
canceled Delivery has been canceled This could either be due to the use of CancelDelivery endpoint, canceled via the Direct Dashboard or an internal reason
returned Delivery has been canceled and the undeliverable_action is return (default action) The delivery was canceled and a new delivery was created to return items to the sender. (See related_deliveries in the delivery object.)

IMPORTANT Please note that if a trip is returned, we will automatically create a new delivery for the return trip and it will be included in the webhook response under the return object. The original delivery will have an ID starting with del_, while the returned delivery will have an ID starting with ret_. The status relationship between these two deliveries is illustrated as follows:

# Original Delivery Status
Return Job Status
1 pending
2 pickup
3 pickup_complete
4 dropoff
5 canceled pickup
6 pickup_complete
7 dropoff
8 returned delivered

Sample Webhook

The fields may vary based on different statuses and situations. For accurate field definitions, please refer to the Fields Definition and verify them on your own.

NOTE: We don’t include courier lat/long and vehicle information in the “delivered” webhook, as shown in this example. This information is only displayed in previous webhook statuses.

    "account_id": "",
    "batch_id": "bat_voEiX66nUf-D4XzKRlpJLQ",
    "created": "2023-08-01T06:28:22.695Z",
    "customer_id": "fb109f30-d2f0-5447-a0fa-884a44394axx",
    "data": {
        "batch_id": "bat_voEiX66nUf-D4XzKRlpJLQ",
        "complete": true,
        "courier": {
            "img_href": "",
            "location": {
                "lat": 0,
                "lng": 0
            "name": "Sam",
            "phone_number": "+15555555557",
            "name": "Cori R.",
            "rating": "5.00",
            "vehicle_color": "",
            "vehicle_make": "",
            "vehicle_model": "",
            "vehicle_type": "car",
        "courier_imminent": false,
        "created": "2023-08-01T06:26:13.896Z",
        "currency": "usd",
        "deliverable_action": "deliverable_action_meet_at_door",
        "dropoff": {
            "address": "231 Hudson St, New York, NY 10013",
            "detailed_address": {
                "street_address_1": "231 Hudson St",
                "street_address_2": "",
                "city": "New York",
                "state": "NY",
                "zip_code": "10013",
                "country": "US"
            "location": {
                "lat": 40.724533,
                "lng": -74.00839
            "name": "DROPOFF T.",
            "notes": "",
            "phone_number": "+15555555556",
            "status": "completed",
            "status_timestamp": "2023-08-01T06:28:22.564Z",
            "verification": {
                "barcodes": [
                        "scan_result": {
                            "outcome": "SUCCESS",
                            "timestamp": "2023-07-06T06:49:05.154Z"
                        "type": "CODE39",
                        "value": "123"
                "picture": {
                    "image_url": ""
                "pin_code": {
                    "entered": "9999"
                "signature": {
                    "image_url": "",
                    "signer_name": "Sam",
                    "signer_relationship": "self"
            "verification_requirements": {
                "barcodes": [
                        "type": "CODE39",
                        "value": "123"
                "picture": true,
                "pincode": {
                    "enabled": true,
                    "value": "9999"
                "signature": true,
                "signatureRequirement": {
                    "collect_signer_name": true,
                    "collect_signer_relationship": true,
                    "enabled": true
        "dropoff_deadline": "2023-08-01T07:21:24Z",
        "dropoff_eta": "2023-08-01T06:28:22.564Z",
        "dropoff_ready": "2023-08-01T06:26:14Z",
        "external_id": "",
        "fee": 9200,
        "id": "del_QbLowiwHQM-b4e8YmOZNOw",
        "kind": "delivery",
        "live_mode": true,
        "manifest": {
            "description": "1 X Small Box\n",
            "total_value": 0
        "manifest_items": [
                "dimensions": {
                    "depth": 40,
                    "height": 40,
                    "length": 40
                "must_be_upright": false,
                "name": "Small Box",
                "price": 0,
                "quantity": 1,
                "size": "large"
        "pickup": {
            "address": "175 Greenwich St, New York, NY 10007",
            "detailed_address": {
                "street_address_1": "175 Greenwich St",
                "street_address_2": "",
                "city": "New York",
                "state": "NY",
                "zip_code": "10007-2438",
                "country": "US"
            "location": {
                "lat": 40.71093,
                "lng": -74.0119
            "name": "Coffee Shop",
            "notes": "",
            "phone_number": "+15555555555",
            "status": "completed",
            "status_timestamp": "2023-08-01T06:27:04.748Z"
        "pickup_action": "default",
        "pickup_deadline": "2023-08-01T06:46:14Z",
        "pickup_eta": "2023-08-01T06:27:04.748Z",
        "pickup_ready": "2023-08-01T06:26:14Z",
        "quote_id": "dqt_QbLowiwHQM-b4e8YmOZNOw",
        "route_id": "rte_I8-ffNPuT82EP1yaBmG1jg",
        "status": "delivered",
        "tracking_url": "",
        "undeliverable_action": "",
        "undeliverable_reason": "",
        "updated": "2023-08-01T06:28:22.611Z",
        "uuid": "41B2E8C22C0740CF9BE1EF1898E64D3B"
    "delivery_id": "del_QbLowiwHQM-b4e8YmOZNOw",
    "developer_id": "",
    "id": "evt_Bouz7BhPTYGDz9FFQNgODw",
    "kind": "event.delivery_status",
    "live_mode": true,
    "route_id": "rte_I8-ffNPuT82EP1yaBmG1jg",
    "status": "delivered"

Fields Definition

Field Description
account_id Unique identifier (prefixed acc_) for the account of the above developer that this delivery belongs to.
created Timestamp indicating when the event was generated.
customer_id Unique identifier (prefixed cus_) for the customer this delivery belongs to.
delivery_id Unique identifier of the delivery the event applies to.
developer_id Unique identifier (prefixed dev_) for the developer the above customer_id maps to.
id Unique identifier for this event instance.
kind The kind of event in more detail (e.g., event.delivery_status).
data The webhook details. Please refer the Data Object Definition for more information.
live_mode Flag indicating if the event applies to a live vs a test delivery.
status Status of the delivery the event refers to.
batch_id When a delivery is batched, this unique identifier (prefixed bat_) indicating the batch that this delivery belongs to.
Can be used to identify deliveries batched with the same courier.
IMPORTANT: If a courier cancels the delivery while en route to pick up, we will assign the delivery to another courier; therefore, the batch_id will change.
route_id Unique identifier (prefixed rte_) of the route a courier is taking.

Data Object Definition

The data object contains more detailed information about the webhook.
Field Description
id Unique identifier of the delivery the event applies to.
status Status of the delivery the event refers to.
created Date/Time at which the delivery was created.
updated Date/Time at which the delivery was last updated.
pickup_eta Estimated time the courier will arrive at the pickup location.
pickup_ready When a delivery is ready to be picked up. This is the start of the pickup window.
pickup_deadline When a delivery must be picked up by. This is the end of the pickup window.
dropoff_eta Estimated time the courier will arrive at the dropoff location.
dropoff_ready When a delivery is ready to be dropped off. This is the start of the dropoff window.
dropoff_deadline When a delivery must be dropped off. This is the end of the dropoff window.
quote_id Identifier for the Delivery quote if one was provided when creating this Delivery.
fee Amount in cents ( ¹/₁₀₀ of currency unit ) that will be charged if this delivery is created. i.e.: $10.99 => 1099.
currency Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase.
deliverable_action Specify the action for the courier to take on a delivery. For more detailed information on deliverable_action, please refer to the Get Delivery response.
​​tip Amount in cents ( ¹/₁₀₀ of currency unit ) that will be paid to the courier as a tip.
manifest.reference Reference that identifies the manifest.
manifest.description [DEPRECATED] A detailed description of what the courier will be delivering. It is better to consume the description of each item in
manifest.total_value Value in cents ( ¹/₁₀₀ of currency unit ) of the items in the delivery. i.e.: $10.99 => 1099. Description of item.
manifest_items.quantity Quantity of items.
manifest_items.size Approximate size of item. Options are small, medium, large, or xlarge.
If nothing is specified, small will be applied by default.
manifest_items.dimensions.length Length in centimeters.
manifest_items.dimensions.height Height in centimeters.
manifest_items.dimensions.depth Depth in centimeters.
manifest_items.price Price in cents ( ¹/₁₀₀ of currency unit ). i.e.: $10.99 => 1099.
manifest_items.weight Weight in grams.
Note: When using dimensions the weight field is required.
pickup Pickup details for the delivery. Please refer to Delivery Info Definition Table for more details.
dropoff Dropoff details for the delivery. Please refer to Delivery Info Definition Table for more details.
return Return details for the delivery. Please refer to Delivery Info Definition Table for more details. Courier’s first name and last name’s initial.
courier.rating [DEPRECATED] Courier’s rating on a scale of 1.0 to 5.0.
courier.vehicle_type Type of vehicle the courier is using. Currently we support bicycle, car, van, truck, scooter, motorcycle, and walker.
courier.phone_number The courier’s phone number. Latitude indicating courier’s location.
courier.location.lng Longitude indicating courier’s location.
courier.img_href URL to courier’s profile image.
courier.public_phone_info.formatted_phone_number Courier’s formatted phone number.
courier.public_phone_info.phone_number Courier’s anonymized phone number.
courier.public_phone_info.pin_code Pincode for the courier’s anonymized phone number.
live_mode Flag indicating if the delivery is in live mode or test mode. Related deliveries is a collection describing other jobs that share an association.
Unique identifier for the delivery.
related_deliveries.relationship Flag indicating the nature of the delivery identified in related_deliveries. “original” for the forward leg of the trip, and “returned” for the return leg of the trip.
tracking_url URL to track the courier during the delivery.
courier_imminent Flag that is set to true when the courier is 1 minute away from the pickup or dropoff location.
undeliverable_reason If a delivery was undeliverable, this field will contain the reason why it was undeliverable.
undeliverable_action If a delivery was undeliverable, this field will contain the resulting action taken by the courier. For more detailed information on undeliverable_action, please refer to the Get Delivery response.
complete Flag indicating if the delivery is ongoing.
kind Type of object being described (e.g., delivery).
uuid Alternative delivery identifier. “Id” field should be used for any identification purposes. “uuid” field is equally unique but loses contextual information (i.e. nothing in this identifier points out that it relates to a delivery). Unlike “Id” field, “uuid” is case-insensitive. Value for “uuid” field is UUID v4 with ‘-’ characters removed, e.g., 41B2E8C22C0740CF9BE1EF1898E64D3B.
batch_id When a delivery is batched, this unique identifier (prefixed bat_) indicating the batch that this delivery belongs to. Can be used to identify deliveries batched with the same courier.
IMPORTANT: If a courier cancels the delivery while en route to pick up, we will assign the delivery to another courier; therefore, the batch_id will change.
route_id Unique identifier (prefixed rte_) of the route a courier is taking.
cancelation_reason.primary_reason Value will always be #Uber.
cancelation_reason.secondary_reason Value can be either CUSTOMER_CANCEL, COURIER_CANCEL, MERCHANT_CANCEL, or UBER_CANCEL.
pickup_action Specify the action that should be taken at the pickup.

Delivery Info Definition

This table applies to pickup, return and dropoff fields in the Data Object.
Field Description
name Name of the person at the waypoint.
phone_number Phone number of the waypoint.
address Address of the waypoint.
detailed_address.street_address_1 First line of street address of the waypoint.
detailed_address.street_address_2 Optional second line of street address of the waypoint. City of the waypoint.
detailed_address.state State of the waypoint.
detailed_address.zip_code Zip code of the waypoint. Country of the waypoint. Latitude for the waypoint location.
location.lng Longtitude for the waypoint location.
notes Additional instructions at the waypoint location.
verification.signature.image_url URL of the signature image done on the waypoint.
verification.signature.signer_name Name of the person who signed for the package.
verification.signature.signer_relationship Relationship of the person who signed for the package to the intended person.
verification.barcodes.value String value encoded in the barcode.
verification.barcodes.type Type of barcode. Valid values: CODE39, CODE39_FULL_ASCII, CODE128, QR.
verification.barcodes.scan_result.outcome A string indicating whether the scan is successful or failed.
verification.barcodes.scan_result.timestamp Timestamp indicating when the event was generated.
verification.picture.image_url URL of the image taken at waypoint.
verification.identification.min_age_verified Identification information or scanning information captured. Indicating if ID was successfully verified/scanned.
verification.pin_code.entered Values entered during pin verification. Latitude where the job completes.
verification.completion_location.lng Longitude where the job completes.
verification_requirements.signature Flag indicating if signature is required or not at waypoint.
verification_requirements.signatureRequirement.collect_signer_name Flag indicating if the signer’s name is required or not at the waypoint.
verification_requirements.signatureRequirement.collect_signer_relationship Flag indicating if the relationship between sender and the signer is required or not at the waypoint.
verification_requirements.signatureRequirement.enabled Flag indicating if signature is required or not at waypoint.
verification_requirements.barcodes.type String value encoded in the barcode.
verification_requirements.barcodes.value Type of barcode. Valid values: CODE39, CODE39_FULL_ASCII, CODE128, QR.
verification_requirements.picture Flag indicating if photo is required or not at waypoint.
verification_requirements.pincode.enabled Flag indicating pincode is required or not at waypoint.
verification_requirements.pincode.value Values entered during pin verification.
courier_notes When a picture is requested as proof-of-delivery, this field contains the notes provided by the courier (e.g., where the items were left).


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