Three lines



Delivery Window

Delivery windows are time blocks with start and end times that Uber Direct use as guidance to ensure timely and fulfilled deliveries. These windows determine when we request couriers to fulfill the specified delivery orders. Delivery windows can be set using either the ASAP (As Soon As Possible) or Scheduled (Merchant-driven) methods. In the delivery process, two types of windows are essential:

  • Pickup Windows: These specify the start and end times for when we want the courier to arrive at the pickup location.
    • pickup_ready_dt: Beginning of the pickup window when an order is ready and must be picked up. Send this field when preparation time is known. Must be less than 30 days in the future.
    • pickup_deadline_dt: End of the pickup window when an order may be picked up. Must be at least 10 mins later than pickup_ready_dt and at least 20 minutes in the future from now.
  • Drop Off Windows: These specify the start and end times for when we want the courier to arrive at the drop-off location.
    • dropoff_ready_dt: Beginning of the dropoff window when an order must be dropped off. Must be less than or equal to pickup_deadline_dt.
    • dropoff_deadline_dt: End of the dropoff window when an order must be dropped off. Must be at least 20 mins later than dropoff_ready_dt and must be greater than or equal to pickup_deadline_dt.

The availability of delivery options during checkout depends on the choices made by you and need to be set in the Create Quote and Create Delivery API call. You can offer ASAP (As Soon As Possible) delivery, which can range from being as soon as 30 minutes after order placement to up to 30 days into the future (Scheduled Delivery).

Note: Optimal delivery windows may vary depending on the use case of each merchant. Please ensure adequte testing to determine your optimal configuration.


Description Values
On Demand Use when the items are packed and ready for immediate delivery Order Create: t0 (today)
pickup_ready_dt: Leave Blank
pickup_deadline_dt: Leave Blank
dropoff_ready_dt: Leave Blank
dropoff_deadline_dt: Leave Blank


  • Drop Off expectation is < 90 minutes in the future from the order creation time.
  • Use when the items are packed and ready for immediate delivery.
  • If you require prep-time, provide a pickup_ready_dt timestamp. The courier will arrive around the pickup_ready_dt.

Scheduled Delivery

Description Values
By End of Day Use when the customer selects a delivery window for delivery by the end of the day Order Create: t0 (today)
pickup_ready_dt: at least t0 + prep time
pickup_deadline_dt: at least t0 + 60 min
dropoff_ready_dt: <= pickup_deadline_dt
dropoff_deadline_dt: at least t0 + 90 min
Description Values
Scheduled in the Future Use when the customer selects a delivery window in the future (not by the end of the day) Order Create: t0 (today)
t1 (Scheduled Date)

pickup_ready_dt: >= store open time on t1
pickup_deadline_dt: at least t1 + 60 min
dropoff_ready_dt: <= pickup_deadline_dt
dropoff_deadline_dt: at least t1 + 90 min


  • Drop Off expectation is >= 90 minutes in the future from the order creation time.
  • dropoff_deadline_dt should be set 2 hours before the carrier cutoff time for return-eligible trips.
  • The above scenario depicts the pickup_ready_dt timestamp if you require prep time (staging, pick and pack).
  • You must provide 60-minute slots within which the courier can deliver the order to the customer.
  • Scheduled date must be less than 30 days in the future.


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