Three lines



Best Practices

The Basics

There are essentially three things the driver endpoints enable your application to do:

The Sandbox

To get an understanding on how to set up your environment for making API requests to the driver endpoints within the sandbox environment, see the sandbox guide.

Authorization and Authentication

Applications that wish to take advantage of the driver endpoints must have their users authorize their application to make requests on their behalf. This is done by having a user grant access to the partner.accounts scope of your application via OAuth. See the OAuth 2.0 section of our tutorials for more details.

Once a user has effectively authorized your application, all API requests to the driver endpoints must be made with an OAuth bearer token.

Applications using the partner.accounts, partner.trips, and partner.payments scopes must be approved by Uber before they can be made available to the general public. By default, only the developer and invited application admins may make API requests. Access to the partner.accounts, partner.trips, and partner.payments scopes can be requested in the Auth tab in the developer dashboard.

Client Libraries

There are official and community client libraries for popular languages to help you get started building moving experiences with Uber.


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