Three lines



Driver Location Notification

WEBHOOK: POSThttps://<YOUR_WEBHOOK_URI> event_type: health.driver_location

Privileged and Confidential This endpoint design has been confidentially shared with you. It is still under development and is subject to change without notice. Please do not share this document or API endpoint details with anyone who is not authorized to have access. For more information read about scopes.

Event indicating the updated real-time location of the driver for a trip.

Note: Frequent driver webhook location is not available in all regions.

Webhook Event Structure

Name Type Description
event_id string Unique event identifier, which can be used to ensure that events are only digested once.
event_time integer Unix timestamp of the time the event occurred.
event_type string The type of event that occurred.
resource_href string The URL of the resource being referenced. This URL can be called with your App’s bearer token to retrieve the full payload.
meta object The object containing additional information that is specific to the event_type.
meta.user_id string Unique identifier of the user this event was generated for.
meta.org_uuid string The unique UUID of the Uber for Business organization for which the ride was requested.
meta.resource_id string Unique identifier of the resource this event has been generated for.
meta.status string The current status of the resource.
data.location object An object that provides the geographical coordinates and directional bearing of the driver’s current location.
data.location.bearing string The direction i which driver is heading, measured in radians.
data.location.latitude string The latitude of driver’s location.
data.location.longitude string The longitude of driver’s location.

Note: Please reach out to your Uber representative to add driver location for webhooks frequently every 4 seconds example.

Example Webhook
  "event_id": "LfN0QX+I4kQk8F/AX05+wiBw9FlydHqbxGzroE2SOKxx",
  "event_time": 1634236315,
  "event_type": "health.driver_location",
  "resource_href": "",
  "meta": {
    "user_id": "b2d01098-777f-4cd6-a463-73715a69cxxx",
    "resource_id": "22642e3f-cb6c-42be-9d16-29c92ecefxxx",
    "status": "in_progress"
  "data": {
    "location": {
      "bearing": 0.7087848763801929,
      "latitude": 48.8616,
      "longitude": 2.3520117


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