Get Health Trip
¶ Use Case
Get details of a health trip
¶ Authorization
OAuth 2.0 Bearer token with the health
¶ Request Statuses
All possible status values of Request life cycle
Status | Description |
processing | The request is matching to the most efficient available driver. |
no_drivers_available | The request was unfulfilled because no drivers were available. |
accepted | The request has been accepted by a driver and is “en route” to the start location (i.e. start_latitude and start_longitude). |
arriving | The driver has arrived or will be shortly. |
in_progress | The request is “en route” from the start location to the end location. |
driver_canceled | The request has been canceled by the driver. |
rider_canceled | The request canceled by rider. |
completed | The request has been completed by the driver. |
scheduled | The request is scheduled to be dispatched at a later time. |
failed | The request failed. |
offered | The deferred ride is actively redeemable by a rider. |
expired | The deferred ride has expired and cannot be redeemed by the rider. |
driver_redispatched | The driver is resipatched and the driver should be arriving shortly. |
¶ Trip request status_detail
All possible status_detail
values for a request with rider_canceled
Status | Description |
coordinator_canceled | The request was canceled by the Coordinator. |
guest_rider_canceled | The request was canceled by the Rider. |
¶ Request Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
request_id |
string |
A unique identifier of a trips request returned when creating a trip (required) |
¶ Query Params
Name | Type | Description |
include_editable_fields |
bool |
(optional) When set to true, this option includes editable fields in the response. If omitted or set to false, editable fields are excluded. |
¶ Example Request
Try It Replace the token and trip id from a past trip in the below request to use it in a terminal to see the details.
curl -X GET \
-H "authorization: Bearer $UBER_TOKEN" \
¶ Response Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
request_id |
string |
The unique ID of the trip request. |
status |
string |
The status of the trip request indicating state. |
status_detail |
string |
More detail about the status, this field is only populated for ‘rider_canceled’ status, and it helps to differentiate when trip was canceled by the Coordinator or the Rider. Possible values: ‘Coordinator_canceled’: The request was canceled by the Coordinator. |
guest |
string |
Unique identifier of a rider. |
pickup |
object |
Object containing the location and ETA of the trip’s pickup point. See below for more details. |
destination |
object |
Object containing the location and ETA of the trip’s destination. See below for more details. |
driver |
object |
Driver object for the trip. Available only when trip is in ‘accepted’, ‘arriving’, ‘in_progress’ and ‘completed’ status. |
product |
object |
Object containing the product info such as ID and name. |
vehicle |
object |
The root vehicle object of the trip. Not available before a driver is dispatched. |
location |
object |
Location of the driver. It is only available if Request status is ‘accepted’, ‘arriving’, or ‘in_ progress’. |
location_uuid |
string |
The UUID of the Uber for Business organization that requested the ride. |
request_time |
int |
A epoch time in milliseconds the request was made. |
requester_name |
string |
The name of the user that requested the trip. This will be the owner of the developer application in case of API trip bookings. |
requester_uuid |
string |
The UUID of the user that requested the trip. This will be the owner of the developer application in case of API trip bookings. |
can_tip |
bool |
Whether or not the trip is eligible for a tip. Populated only after a trip reaches one of the terminal states. |
client_fare |
string |
The formatted price of the trip. Populated only after a trip reaches one of the terminal states. |
client_fare_numeric |
float |
The price of the trip as a float value. Populated only after a trip reaches one of the terminal states. |
client_fare_without_tip |
string |
The formatted price of the trip excluding the tip. Populated only after a trip reaches one of the terminal states. |
currency_code |
string |
The currency code for the currency of the trip price. Populated only after a trip reaches one of the terminal states. |
trip_distance_miles |
float |
The actual distance traveled on the trip, in miles. |
trip_duration_seconds |
int |
The trip duration, in seconds. |
begin_trip_time |
int |
The epoch time in milliseconds when the driver starts the trip. Will be null unless the trip has begun. This field will be available in the response upon trip completion. |
dropoff_time |
int |
A epoch time in milliseconds when the rider is dropped off and the trip is complete. Only available when the trip is completed. |
expense_memo |
string |
A free text field to describe the purpose of the trip for expense reporting. |
cancellation_info |
object |
Object containing details of the trip cancellation. |
deferred_ride_options.pickup_day |
string |
The deferred ride pickup day in format YYYY-MM-DD. This is only available for flexible rides. |
deferred_ride_options.expiration_time_ms |
int |
The deferred ride expiration time in milliseconds. This is only available for flexible rides. |
hourly |
object |
Populated only for Hourly trips. Object containing the hourly information such as tier booking parameters and overage information. |
is_reserve |
bool |
Denotes whether the trip is an Uber Reserve trip. Populated only for Uber Reserve trips. |
note_for_driver |
string |
A free text field to enter a message that will be sent to the driver once the driver gets assigned to a trip. |
policy_uuid |
string |
ID of object that contains permission and product type. |
scheduling |
object |
The root scheduling object of the trip. Populated only for scheduled trips. |
scheduling.pickup_time |
int |
A epoch time in milliseconds of when the trip is scheduled. Populated only scheduled rides. |
stops |
array |
An array of objects containing the location of the trip’s intermediate stops. See below for more details. (Support for all ride types) |
surge_multiplier |
float |
The surge pricing multiplier used to calculate the increased price of a trip request. A multiplier of 1.0 means surge pricing is not in effect. |
tip_details |
object |
object containing information about the tip on a trip. This is only set on trips in a terminal state that have a tip. |
tip_details.tip_amount |
float |
The amount of the tip on the trip. |
tip_details.formatted_tip_amount |
string |
The formatted amount of the tip on a trip. |
tip_details.tip_submitter_name |
string |
The name of the user that submitted the tip on the trip. |
trip_end_location |
object |
The location of the driver when they ended the trip. Populated only for trips in completed status. |
waypoints |
array |
An array of waypoint objects (either “pickup or dropoff”) for the trip. Populated only for trip in terminal state. |
rider_tracking_url |
string |
The URL to track ride when the trip is in ‘accepted’ and ‘in_progress state’. This allows the rider to track their trip in Uber app or web browser. This link can not be embedded in other websites or apps. |
editable_fields |
object |
Object containing list of editable objects such as PICKUP, DROPOFF and STOPS. Specifies the fields in a trip that can be updated. |
directed_dispatch_info |
object |
Object containing the dispatch pin |
spend_cap_details |
object |
The object with spend cap details about the trip |
fare.currency_code |
string |
Currency code of the location of the trip |
fare.value |
float |
Value of the fare in number format |
fare.low_estimate |
float |
Low estimate of the fare in cases where there is a fare range |
fare.high_estimate |
float |
High estimate of the fare in cases where there is a fare range |
fare.fare_breakdown |
object |
Breakdown of the fare as required by Colorado law. This information will only be returned for trips starting in Colorado, US. Only available after the trip is completed. |
¶ Guest
object parameters Back to Top
Name | Type | Description |
guest.guest_id |
string |
Unique identifier of a rider. |
guest.first_name |
string |
Rider’s first name. |
guest.last_name |
string |
Rider’s last name. | |
string |
Rider’s email address. |
guest.phone_number |
string |
Phone number of a rider in E.164 (international) format. |
guest.locale |
string |
The locale the rider was created in. Defaults to en. |
¶ Pickup
object parameters Back to Top
Name | Type | Description |
pickup.latitude |
float |
The latitude of the pickup. |
pickup.longitude |
float |
The longitude of the pickup. |
pickup.eta |
int |
Estimated time until arrival at the pickup. Populated only when the trip is inis ‘accepted’, ‘arriving’ status. |
pickup.address |
string |
The pickup location’s complete address. | |
string |
The place ID in provider’s name space. Referred from zones endpoint response. | |
string |
The provider name. Referred from zones endpoint response. | |
string |
For trips at specialized pickups, the ID of the pickup zone. |
pickup.is_refined |
bool |
Binary flag whether the pickup is refined/auto snapped. |
pickup.subtitle |
string |
The pickup location city and state, where applicable. |
pickup.timezone |
string |
The timezone at the pickup address. |
pickup.title |
string |
The pickup location street address. |
pickup.update_details |
string |
Message for the coordinators used to communicate when pickup has updates. |
pickup.rider_wayfinding_note |
string |
A note to help the rider find the pickup point. |
¶ Destination
object parameters Back to Top
Name | Type | Description |
destination.latitude |
float |
The latitude of the destination. |
destination.longitude |
float |
The longitude of the destination. |
destination.eta |
int |
Estimated time until arrival at the destination. Populated only when trip status isis ‘accepted’, ‘arriving’ and ‘in_progress’. |
destination.address |
string |
The destination location’s complete address. | |
string |
The place ID in provider’s name space. Referred from zones endpoint response. | |
string |
The provider name. Referred from zones endpoint response. | |
string |
For trips at specialized pickups, the ID of the pickup zone. |
destination.subtitle |
string |
The destination location city and state, where applicable. |
destination.timezone |
string |
The timezone at the destination address. |
destination.title |
string |
The destination location street address. |
¶ Driver
object parameters Back to Top
Name | Type | Description |
---|---|---| |
string |
The unique ID of the driver. | |
string |
The first name of the driver. |
driver.phone_number |
string |
The formatted phone number for calling a driver in E.164 (international) format. Note, this may be different from driver.sms_number. This phone number can be used to call the driver when the trip status is ‘accepted’, ‘arriving’ and ‘in_progress’. This phone number can be used to text the driver when the trip status is ‘accepted’, ‘arriving’ and ‘in_progress’. For trip status ‘completed’ use Initiate Driver/Recipient Phone Call. |
driver.sms_number |
string |
The formatted phone number in E.164 (international) format for sending an SMS message to a driver. Note, this may be different from driver.phone_number. This phone number can be used to text the driver when the trip status is ‘accepted’, ‘arriving’ and ‘in_progress’ . For trip status ‘completed’ use Send message to driver. |
driver.rating |
float |
The driver’s star rating out of 5 stars. |
driver.picture_url |
string |
The URL to the photo of the driver. |
driver.pin_based_phone_number.phone_number |
string |
The formatted phone number for calling a driver using the pin. This phone number can be used to text the driver when the trip status is ‘accepted’, ‘arriving’ and ‘in_progress’. For trip status ‘completed’ use Initiate Driver/Recipient Phone Call. | |
string |
The pin for calling a driver on the phone number provided. |
driver.regulatory_info |
string |
Regulatory and compliance information related to the driver (only available in some regions) |
¶ Product
object parameters Back to Top
Name | Type | Description |
product.product_id |
string |
The ID returned from the products endpoint. |
product.display_name |
string |
The type of Uber product (ex: UberX). |
¶ Vehicle
object parameters Back to Top
Name | Type | Description |
vehicle.color_name |
string |
The color of the driver’s vehicle. |
vehicle.license_plate |
string |
The vehicle’s license plate number. |
vehicle.make |
string |
The make of the driver’s vehicle. |
vehicle.model |
string |
The model of the driver’s vehicle. |
vehicle.picture_url |
string |
The URL to the photo of the vehicle. |
¶ Location
object parameters Back to Top
Name | Type | Description |
bearing |
float |
The current bearing of the vehicle in degrees, ranging from negative to 360. North is represented by 0 degrees, east is 90 degrees, south is 180 degrees, west 270 degrees, and so on. Values may not be available at all times since it depends on device capabilities, network, and location. A negative value indicates that the information is invalid. |
latitude |
float |
The current latitude of the vehicle. Values may not be available at all times since it depends on device capabilities, network, and location. |
longitude |
float |
The current longitude of the vehicle. Values may not be available at all times since it depends on device capabilities, network, and location. |
¶ Hourly
object parameters Back to Top
Name | Type | Description |
hourly.tier |
object |
This is used for hourly products. Object containing hourly tier booking parameters. See below for more details. |
hourly.tier.time_in_mins |
int |
Booked time in minutes. |
hourly.tier.distance |
int |
Booked distance. |
hourly.tier.distance_unit |
string |
Unit of distance used in distance . Possible values are mile and km . |
hourly.overage |
object |
This is used for hourly products. Object containing hourly overage information. Only present when the trip is in progress and in an overage condition. See below for more details. |
hourly.overage.overage_status |
string |
hourly.overage.time_overage_in_mins |
int |
Time overage in minutes. |
hourly.overage.distance_overage |
int |
Distance overage. |
hourly.overage.distance_unit |
string |
Unit of distance used in distance_overage . Possible values are mile and km . |
¶ Waypoints
object parameters Back to Top
Name | Type | Description |
waypoints.latitude |
float |
The latitude in the waypoint being referenced. |
waypoints.longitude |
float |
The longitude in the waypoint being referenced. |
waypoints.type |
string |
The type of waypoint, either “pickup” or “dropoff”. |
¶ Stops
object parameters Back to Top
Name | Type | Description |
stops.latitude |
float |
The latitude of the intermediate stop. |
stops.longitude |
float |
The longitude of the intermediate stop. |
stops.address |
string |
The intermediate stop complete address. | |
string |
The place id in provider’s namespace. | |
string |
The name of a provider of a location data. |
stops.timezone |
string |
The timezone at intermediate stop. |
stops.title |
string |
The intermediate stop street address. |
¶ Trip_end_location
object parameters Back to Top
Name | Type | Description |
trip_end_location.latitude |
float |
The latitude of the trip’s end location. |
trip_end_location.longitude |
float |
The longitude of the trip’s end location. |
trip_end_location.address |
string |
The end location’s complete address. | |
string |
The place ID in provider’s namespace. | |
string |
The name of a provider of location data, e.g. google_places. | |
string |
The end location city and state, where applicable. | |
string |
The end location street address. |
¶ Cancellation_info
object parameters Back to Top
Name | Type | Description |
cancellation_info.cancellation_time_stamp |
int |
A timestamp in milliseconds of when the trip was canceled. |
cancellation_info.cancellation_type |
string |
The type of cancellation. Possible values are "RIDER_NO_SHOW" and "DRIVER_CANCELED_WITHOUT_WAITING" . |
cancellation_info.driver_arrived_time_stamp |
int |
A timestamp in milliseconds of when the driver arrived and began waiting. |
cancellation_info.driver_wait_time_minutes |
int |
A truncated representation of the driver’s overall wait time in minutes. |
¶ Editable_fields
details Back to Top
Name | Type | Description |
editable_fields.PICKUP.editable |
boolean |
Specifies if the PICKUP is editable in the current trip status. |
editable_fields.PICKUP.max_radius_meters |
boolean |
Maximum radius distance from the original pickup point within which a location field can be updated |
editable_fields.DROPOFF.editable |
boolean |
Specifies if the DROPOFF is editable in the current trip status. |
editable_fields.STOPS.editable |
boolean |
Specifies if the Stops is editable in the current trip status. |
¶ Directed_dispatch_info
details Back to top
Name | Type | Description |
directed_dispatch_info.dispatch_pin |
string |
Used in the matching process between riders and drivers, particularly in high-volume scenarios like some airport pickups. When a coordinator requests a ride, instead of being matched directly to a driver, they are given this dispatch pin (which also will be sent to the rider via SMS text) that will be informed to the rider. The rider needs to give it to the driver to complete the match and begin the trip. |
¶ spend_cap_details
details Back to top
For trips created with Spend Cap policy set, the spend_cap_details
object will get populated with additional information such as indicating whether the trip has exceeded or not the pre-defined cap amount by administrators.
Name | Type | Description |
spend_cap_details.at_creation_status |
string |
Indicates whether the trip exceeded the spend cap defined on organization’s policy associated to the trip at creation time. Possible values are “NOT_EXCEEDED” or “EXCEEDED_WARNING” |
spend_cap_details.on_trip_status |
string |
Indicates whether the trip exceeded the spend cap defined on organization’s policy associated to the trip on trip time (after creation). Possible values are “NOT_EXCEEDED”, “EXCEEDED_BLOCKING” or “EXCEEDED_WARNING” |
¶ fare_breakdown
details Back to Top
Name | Type | Description |
fare_breakdown.driver_earnings_without_tip |
float |
Driver earnings before any tip was added, excluding pass-throughs, if any. |
fare_breakdown.client_paid_without_tip |
float |
Total amount of money client paid before any tip was added. |
fare_breakdown.detailed_breakdown |
object |
Breakdown of fare components. |
¶ fare_breakdown.detailed_breakdown
details Back to Top
Name | Type | Description |
detailed_breakdown.items |
array |
Detailed fare breakdown items. |
¶ detailed_breakdown.item
details Back to Top
Name | Type | Description |
name |
string |
Name of the detailed fare breakdown item. |
value |
float |
Value of the detailed fare breakdown item. |
description |
string |
Detailed description of the detailed fare breakdown item. |
¶ Example Responses
¶ Example Accepted Trip Response
"destination": {
"address": "Bryant Park, New York, NY 10018",
"eta": 18,
"latitude": 40.7535965,
"longitude": -73.9832326,
"place": {
"place_id": "ChIJvbGg56pZwokRp_E3JbivnLQ",
"provider": "google_places"
"subtitle": "New York, NY 10018",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"title": "Bryant Park"
"driver": {
"id": "42d53206-d8ba-5d5e-9f9b-c9e4a33d3a4c",
"name": "Joe",
"phone_number": "+11234567891",
"picture_url": "",
"rating": 4.9,
"sms_number": "+11234567891",
"pin_based_phone_number": {
"phone_number": "+11234567890",
"pin": "12345678"
"regulatory_info": "Licensed by TfL, PHL 123456789"
"expense_memo": "Memo note example",
"guest": {
"first_name": "Tom",
"guest_id": "b7c5e97e-eb5a-5997-a95d-977a5c50d98a",
"last_name": "Example",
"locale": "en",
"phone_number": "+11234567890"
"location": {
"bearing": 0,
"latitude": 40.775573965137674,
"longitude": -73.98604690473967
"location_uuid": "a18860d5-ffee-429f-acb3-2f74641a0bf9",
"pickup": {
"address": "Lincoln Square, New York, NY",
"eta": 1,
"latitude": 40.77417690000001,
"longitude": -73.98491179999999,
"place": {
"place_id": "ChIJYWvLK15YwokR9nuSX-MHTZA",
"provider": "google_places"
"subtitle": "New York, NY",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"title": "Lincoln Square"
"product": {
"display_name": "UberX",
"product_id": "b8e5c464-5de2-4539-a35a-986d6e58f186"
"request_id": "da790cea-31b4-4131-8cd9-7adb1c06db99",
"request_time": 1564758590788,
"requester_name": "David Example",
"requester_uuid": "f3a604eb-8b90-4068-932c-13d6a5002f86",
"status": "accepted",
"surge_multiplier": 1,
"vehicle": {
"license_plate": "ABC1234",
"make": "Oldsmobile",
"model": "Intrigue",
"vehicle_color_name": "white"
"rider_tracking_url": ""
¶ Example In Progress Trip Response
"begin_trip_time": 1564758770223,
"destination": {
"address": "Bryant Park, New York, NY 10018",
"eta": 17,
"latitude": 40.7535965,
"longitude": -73.9832326,
"place": {
"place_id": "ChIJvbGg56pZwokRp_E3JbivnLQ",
"provider": "google_places"
"subtitle": "New York, NY 10018",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"title": "Bryant Park"
"driver": {
"id": "42d53206-d8ba-5d5e-9f9b-c9e4a33d3a4c",
"name": "Example",
"phone_number": "+11234567891",
"picture_url": "",
"rating": 4.9,
"sms_number": "+11234567891",
"pin_based_phone_number": {
"phone_number": "+11234567890",
"pin": "12345678"
"regulatory_info": "Licensed by TfL, PHL 123456789"
"expense_memo": "Memo note example",
"guest": {
"first_name": "Tom",
"guest_id": "b7c5e97e-eb5a-5997-a95d-977a5c50d98a",
"last_name": "Example",
"locale": "en",
"phone_number": "+11234567890"
"location_uuid": "a18860d5-ffee-429f-acb3-2f74641a0bf9",
"pickup": {
"address": "Lincoln Square, New York, NY",
"latitude": 40.77417690000001,
"longitude": -73.98491179999999,
"place": {
"place_id": "ChIJYWvLK15YwokR9nuSX-MHTZA",
"provider": "google_places"
"subtitle": "New York, NY",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"title": "Lincoln Square"
"product": {
"display_name": "UberX",
"product_id": "b8e5c464-5de2-4539-a35a-986d6e58f186"
"request_id": "da790cea-31b4-4131-8cd9-7adb1c06db99",
"request_time": 1564758590788,
"requester_name": "David Example",
"requester_uuid": "f3a604eb-8b90-4068-932c-13d6a5002f86",
"status": "in_progress",
"surge_multiplier": 1,
"vehicle": {
"license_plate": "ABC1234",
"make": "Oldsmobile",
"model": "Intrigue",
"vehicle_color_name": "white"
¶ Example Completed Trip Response
"begin_trip_time": 1564758770000,
"can_tip": true,
"client_fare": "$10.41",
"client_fare_without_tip": "$10.41",
"currency_code": "USD",
"destination": {
"address": "Bryant Park, New York, NY 10018",
"latitude": 40.7535965,
"longitude": -73.9832326,
"place": {
"place_id": "ChIJvbGg56pZwokRp_E3JbivnLQ",
"provider": "google_places"
"subtitle": "New York, NY 10018",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"title": "Bryant Park"
"driver": {
"id": "42d53206-d8ba-5d5e-9f9b-c9e4a33d3a4c",
"name": "Joe",
"picture_url": "",
"rating": 4.9,
"pin_based_phone_number": {
"phone_number": "+11234567890",
"pin": "12345678"
"dropoff_time": 1564758815000,
"expense_memo": "Memo note example",
"fare": {
"currency_code": "USD",
"value": 10.41
"guest": {
"first_name": "Tom",
"guest_id": "b7c5e97e-eb5a-5997-a95d-977a5c50d98a",
"last_name": "Example",
"locale": "en",
"phone_number": "+11234567890"
"location_uuid": "a18860d5-ffee-429f-acb3-2f74641a0bf9",
"pickup": {
"address": "Lincoln Square, New York, NY",
"latitude": 40.77417690000001,
"longitude": -73.98491179999999,
"place": {
"place_id": "ChIJYWvLK15YwokR9nuSX-MHTZA",
"provider": "google_places"
"subtitle": "New York, NY",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"title": "Lincoln Square"
"product": {
"display_name": "UberX",
"product_id": "b8e5c464-5de2-4539-a35a-986d6e58f186"
"request_id": "da790cea-31b4-4131-8cd9-7adb1c06db99",
"request_time": 1564758590000,
"requester_name": "David Example",
"requester_uuid": "f3a604eb-8b90-4068-932c-13d6a5002f86",
"spend_cap_details": {
"trip_creation_status": "EXCEEDED_WARNING",
"on_trip_status": "NOT_EXCEEDED"
"status": "completed",
"surge_multiplier": 1,
"tip_details": {
"formatted_tip_amount": "$2.50",
"tip_amount": 2.50,
"tip_submitter_name": "Submitter Name"
"trip_distance_miles": 0.01770572790936,
"trip_duration_seconds": 900,
"trip_end_location": {
"latitude": 40.7530483614,
"longitude": -73.9837700287
"vehicle": {
"make": "Oldsmobile",
"model": "Intrigue",
"vehicle_color_name": "white",
"license_plate": "ABC1234"
"waypoints": [
"latitude": 40.7741769,
"longitude": -73.9849118,
"type": "pickup"
"latitude": 40.7535965,
"longitude": -73.9832326,
"type": "dropoff"
¶ Example Canceled Trip Response
"call_enabled": false,
"can_tip": false,
"cancellation_info": {
"cancellation_time_stamp": 1694674602000,
"cancellation_type": "RIDER_NO_SHOW",
"driver_arrived_time_stamp": 1694673912000,
"driver_wait_time_minutes": 11
"city_id": "5",
"client_fare": "$6.00",
"client_fare_numeric": 6,
"client_fare_without_tip": "$6.00",
"currency_code": "USD",
"destination": {
"address": "Bryant Park, New York, NY 10018",
"latitude": 40.7535965,
"longitude": -73.9832326,
"place": {
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"provider": "google_places"
"subtitle": "New York, NY 10018",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"title": "Bryant Park"
"driver": {
"id": "42d53206-d8ba-5d5e-9f9b-c9e4a33d3a4c",
"name": "Joe",
"picture_url": "",
"rating": 4.9,
"pin_based_phone_number": {
"phone_number": "+11234567890",
"pin": "12345678"
"expense_memo": "TEST",
"fare": {
"currency_code": "USD",
"value": 6
"guest": {
"first_name": "Tom",
"guest_id": "b7c5e97e-eb5a-5997-a95d-977a5c50d98a",
"last_name": "Example",
"locale": "en",
"phone_number": "+11234567890"
"is_downloadable_invoice_enabled": false,
"is_eligible_for_refund": false,
"location_uuid": "1b00a3a0-c19d-45f5-ab96-10d250fda991",
"pickup": {
"address": "Lincoln Square, New York, NY",
"latitude": 40.77417690000001,
"longitude": -73.98491179999999,
"place": {
"place_id": "ChIJYWvLK15YwokR9nuSX-MHTZA",
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"subtitle": "New York, NY",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"title": "Lincoln Square"
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"requester_uuid": "f3a604eb-8b90-4068-932c-13d6a5002f86",
"scheduling": {
"pickup_time": 1694674200000
"status": "driver_canceled",
"surge_multiplier": 1,
"total_trip_legs": 1,
"trip_distance_miles": 0,
"trip_duration_seconds": 0,
"trip_end_location": {
"latitude": 40.7530483614,
"longitude": -73.9837700287
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"make": "Oldsmobile",
"model": "Intrigue",
"vehicle_color_name": "white",
"license_plate": "ABC1234"
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"longitude": -73.9849118,
"type": "pickup"
"latitude": 40.7535965,
"longitude": -73.9832326,
"type": "dropoff"
¶ Example Canceled with a follow-up rebooked trip (follow_up_trip_details
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"status": "driver_canceled",
"surge_multiplier": 1,
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"guest_id": "a74e20d1-83f0-40d0-9b91-5b39f6b81b50",
"first_name": "Peter",
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"locale": "en"
"driver": {
"id": "01543370-86e6-489c-adda-1043a1284f16",
"name": "Norman",
"rating": 4.98,
"vehicle": {
"make": "Honda",
"model": "Civic",
"license_plate": "BRZ5351",
"vehicle_color_name": "Black"
"pickup": {
"latitude": 45.4577,
"longitude": -73.7513929,
"address": "Curbside Terminal Aéroport International Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau de Montréal (YUL), Dorval, QC H4Y 1H1, CA",
"place": {
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"timezone": "America/Toronto",
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"subtitle": "YUL Terminal"
"destination": {
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"longitude": -73.62522599934351,
"address": "3175 ch de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, QC H3T 1C5, CA",
"place": {
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"provider": "uber_places"
"timezone": "America/Toronto",
"title": "Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine",
"subtitle": "3175 ch de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, QC H3T 1C5"
"request_time": 1727197493000,
"client_fare": "CA$0.00",
"requester_uuid": "953b1aaf-d6a5-4d15-abc1-abbeeff6b821",
"requester_name": "Gabriel Diniz",
"trip_distance_miles": 0,
"trip_duration_seconds": 0,
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"longitude": -73.751396,
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"latitude": 45.504005,
"longitude": -73.62523,
"type": "dropoff"
"location_uuid": "5d7363a4-5b1a-4c2b-ac58-1fba1af7f21a",
"product": {
"product_id": "d34e8e9e-5e71-484a-bda3-15fd5540d2c5",
"display_name": "UberX"
"currency_code": "CAD",
"can_tip": false,
"client_fare_without_tip": "CA$0.00",
"trip_end_location": {
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"longitude": -73.751396
"client_fare_numeric": 0,
"stops": null,
"trip_leg_number": 0,
"total_trip_legs": 1,
"follow_up_trip_details": {
"trip_uuid": "15f5f1ac-f799-4539-8e36-bd51e07231b5"
¶ Example Editable Trip Response
"destination": {
"address": "Bryant Park, New York, NY 10018",
"eta": 18,
"latitude": 40.7535965,
"longitude": -73.9832326,
"place": {
"place_id": "ChIJvbGg56pZwokRp_E3JbivnLQ",
"provider": "google_places"
"subtitle": "New York, NY 10018",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"title": "Bryant Park"
"driver": {
"id": "42d53206-d8ba-5d5e-9f9b-c9e4a33d3a4c",
"name": "Joe",
"phone_number": "+11234567891",
"picture_url": "",
"rating": 4.9,
"sms_number": "+11234567891",
"pin_based_phone_number": {
"phone_number": "+11234567890",
"pin": "12345678"
"expense_memo": "Memo note example",
"guest": {
"first_name": "Tom",
"guest_id": "b7c5e97e-eb5a-5997-a95d-977a5c50d98a",
"last_name": "Example",
"locale": "en",
"phone_number": "+11234567890"
"location": {
"bearing": 0,
"latitude": 40.775573965137674,
"longitude": -73.98604690473967
"location_uuid": "a18860d5-ffee-429f-acb3-2f74641a0bf9",
"pickup": {
"address": "Lincoln Square, New York, NY",
"eta": 1,
"latitude": 40.77417690000001,
"longitude": -73.98491179999999,
"place": {
"place_id": "ChIJYWvLK15YwokR9nuSX-MHTZA",
"provider": "google_places"
"subtitle": "New York, NY",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"title": "Lincoln Square"
"product": {
"display_name": "UberX",
"product_id": "b8e5c464-5de2-4539-a35a-986d6e58f186"
"request_id": "da790cea-31b4-4131-8cd9-7adb1c06db99",
"request_time": 1564758590788,
"requester_name": "David Example",
"requester_uuid": "f3a604eb-8b90-4068-932c-13d6a5002f86",
"status": "accepted",
"surge_multiplier": 1,
"vehicle": {
"license_plate": "ABC1234",
"make": "Oldsmobile",
"model": "Intrigue",
"vehicle_color_name": "white"
"rider_tracking_url": "",
"editable_fields": {
"editable": false,
"max_radius_meters": 200
"STOPS": {
"editable": false
"editable": false
¶ Example Processing with Directed Dispatch Info Trip Response
"destination": {
"address": "Bryant Park, New York, NY 10018",
"eta": 18,
"latitude": 40.7535965,
"longitude": -73.9832326,
"place": {
"place_id": "ChIJvbGg56pZwokRp_E3JbivnLQ",
"provider": "google_places"
"subtitle": "New York, NY 10018",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"title": "Bryant Park"
"directed_dispatch_info": {
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"expense_memo": "Memo note example",
"guest": {
"first_name": "Tom",
"guest_id": "b7c5e97e-eb5a-5997-a95d-977a5c50d98a",
"last_name": "Example",
"locale": "en",
"phone_number": "+11234567890"
"location": {
"bearing": 0,
"latitude": 40.775573965137674,
"longitude": -73.98604690473967
"location_uuid": "a18860d5-ffee-429f-acb3-2f74641a0bf9",
"pickup": {
"address": "Lincoln Square, New York, NY",
"eta": 1,
"latitude": 40.77417690000001,
"longitude": -73.98491179999999,
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"place_id": "ChIJYWvLK15YwokR9nuSX-MHTZA",
"provider": "google_places"
"subtitle": "New York, NY",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"title": "Lincoln Square"
"product": {
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"product_id": "b8e5c464-5de2-4539-a35a-986d6e58f186"
"request_id": "da790cea-31b4-4131-8cd9-7adb1c06db99",
"request_time": 1564758590788,
"requester_name": "David Example",
"requester_uuid": "f3a604eb-8b90-4068-932c-13d6a5002f86",
"status": "processing",
"surge_multiplier": 1,
"rider_tracking_url": "",
¶ Example Scheduled Hourly Trip Response
"request_id": "436610b9-27ff-4c80-8cb4-c388a417f641",
"status": "scheduled",
"surge_multiplier": 1,
"guest": {
"guest_id": "d83361b1-5715-5eed-9d7f-cc9e327d68db",
"first_name": "Sample",
"last_name": "Guest",
"phone_number": "+11234567890",
"locale": "en"
"driver": {
"name": "Driver",
"rating": 5,
"picture_url": ""
"pickup": {
"latitude": 37.7693926,
"longitude": -122.388946,
"address": "1515 3rd St, San Francisco, CA 94158, US",
"place": {
"place_id": "5c8db4b8-ecb8-4610-933e-4499742406ed",
"provider": "uber_places"
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"title": "Uber Mission Bay 2",
"subtitle": "1515 3rd St, San Francisco, CA"
"destination": {
"latitude": 37.80083,
"longitude": -122.41001,
"address": "Washington Square, Filbert St, San Francisco, CA",
"place": {
"place_id": "160a5155-7ed2-a267-20c2-6849f11a9c70",
"provider": "uber_places"
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"title": "Washington Square",
"subtitle": "Filbert St, San Francisco, CA"
"scheduling": {
"pickup_time": 1698098551000
"request_time": 1698091256795,
"client_fare": "$165.32",
"requester_uuid": "b25602c2-53ed-4005-8cb8-cabb58a7f0d5",
"requester_name": "Sample Guest",
"location_uuid": "8a276334-df63-46f3-a906-2cf8ea1fd817",
"product": {
"product_id": "ff4fe398-6cc6-4931-9076-d5bfdde928b6",
"display_name": "Black SUV Hourly"
"is_reserve": true,
"rider_tracking_url": "",
"trip_leg_number": 0,
"total_trip_legs": 1,
"stops": [
"latitude": 37.751507,
"longitude": -122.433136,
"address": "4054 24th St, San Francisco, CA 94114, US",
"place": {
"place_id": "877fbdb7-358e-5aa4-a061-cc6b14b682fd",
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"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"title": "The Valley Tavern",
"subtitle": "4054 24th St, San Francisco, CA"
"latitude": 37.75976,
"longitude": -122.42711,
"address": "Mission Dolores Park",
"place": {
"place_id": "5ef9f628-c8d6-3d70-bb10-7503f23165bf",
"provider": "uber_places"
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"title": "Mission Dolores Park",
"subtitle": "566 Dolores St, San Francisco, CA"
"hourly_details": {
"hourly_params": {
"time_in_mins": 120,
"distance": 30,
"distance_unit": "MILE"
¶ Example In Progress Hourly Trip Response With Overage
"request_id": "9ee23829-7e28-439a-b9c9-cdfc62eee632",
"status": "in_progress",
"surge_multiplier": 1,
"guest": {
"guest_id": "d83361b1-5715-5eed-9d7f-cc9e327d68db",
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"phone_number": "+11234567890",
"locale": "en"
"driver": {
"name": "Driver",
"rating": 5,
"picture_url": ""
"vehicle": {
"make": "Ford",
"model": "Expedition",
"license_plate": "",
"picture_url": "",
"vehicle_color_name": "White"
"location": {
"latitude": -22.915508,
"longitude": -47.055683,
"bearing": 0
"pickup": {
"latitude": 37.7693926,
"longitude": -122.388946,
"address": "1515 3rd St, San Francisco, CA 94158, US",
"place": {
"place_id": "5c8db4b8-ecb8-4610-933e-4499742406ed",
"provider": "uber_places"
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"title": "Uber Mission Bay 2",
"subtitle": "1515 3rd St, San Francisco, CA"
"destination": {
"latitude": 37.80083,
"longitude": -122.41001,
"eta": 26,
"address": "Washington Square, Filbert St, San Francisco, CA",
"place": {
"place_id": "160a5155-7ed2-a267-20c2-6849f11a9c70",
"provider": "uber_places"
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"title": "Washington Square",
"subtitle": "Filbert St, San Francisco, CA"
"scheduling": {
"pickup_time": 1698439444000
"request_time": 1698432207781,
"begin_trip_time": 1698436825269,
"client_fare": "$165.32",
"requester_uuid": "b25602c2-53ed-4005-8cb8-cabb58a7f0d5",
"requester_name": "Sample Guest",
"location_uuid": "8a276334-df63-46f3-a906-2cf8ea1fd817",
"product": {
"product_id": "ff4fe398-6cc6-4931-9076-d5bfdde928b6",
"display_name": "Black SUV Hourly"
"is_reserve": true,
"rider_tracking_url": "",
"trip_leg_number": 0,
"total_trip_legs": 1,
"stops": [
"latitude": 37.751507,
"longitude": -122.433136,
"address": "4054 24th St, San Francisco, CA 94114, US",
"place": {
"place_id": "877fbdb7-358e-5aa4-a061-cc6b14b682fd",
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"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"title": "4054 24th St"
"latitude": 37.75976,
"longitude": -122.42711,
"address": "Mission Dolores Park",
"place": {
"place_id": "5ef9f628-c8d6-3d70-bb10-7503f23165bf",
"provider": "uber_places"
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"title": "Mission Dolores Park"
"hourly_details": {
"hourly_overage": {
"overage_status": "TIME_EXCEEDED",
"time_overage_in_mins": 52
"hourly_params": {
"time_in_mins": 120,
"distance": 30,
"distance_unit": "MILE"
¶ Example Completed Hourly Trip Response
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"status": "completed",
"surge_multiplier": 1,
"guest": {
"guest_id": "d83361b1-5715-5eed-9d7f-cc9e327d68db",
"first_name": "Sample",
"last_name": "Guest",
"phone_number": "+11234567890",
"locale": "en"
"driver": {
"name": "Driver",
"rating": 5,
"picture_url": ""
"vehicle": {
"make": "Ford",
"model": "Expedition",
"picture_url": "",
"vehicle_color_name": "White"
"pickup": {
"latitude": 37.7693926,
"longitude": -122.388946,
"address": "1515 3rd St, San Francisco, CA 94158, US",
"place": {
"place_id": "5c8db4b8-ecb8-4610-933e-4499742406ed",
"provider": "uber_places"
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"title": "Uber Mission Bay 2",
"subtitle": "1515 3rd St, San Francisco, CA"
"destination": {
"latitude": 37.7515078,
"longitude": -122.4331331,
"address": "4054 24th St, San Francisco, CA 94114, US",
"place": {
"place_id": "877fbdb7-358e-5aa4-a061-cc6b14b682fd",
"provider": "uber_places"
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"title": "The Valley Tavern",
"subtitle": "4054 24th St, San Francisco, CA"
"scheduling": {
"pickup_time": 1698075957000
"request_time": 1698073317624,
"begin_trip_time": 1698073331000,
"dropoff_time": 1698089299000,
"client_fare": "$459.98",
"requester_uuid": "b25602c2-53ed-4005-8cb8-cabb58a7f0d5",
"requester_name": "Sample Guest",
"trip_distance_miles": 49.056548123799296,
"trip_duration_seconds": 15968,
"waypoints": [
"latitude": 37.769394,
"longitude": -122.38895,
"type": "pickup"
"latitude": 36.73259,
"longitude": -119.78406,
"type": "via"
"latitude": 37.761,
"longitude": -121.9676,
"type": "via"
"latitude": 36.85821,
"longitude": -121.40019,
"type": "via"
"latitude": 37.751507,
"longitude": -122.433136,
"type": "dropoff"
"location_uuid": "8a276334-df63-46f3-a906-2cf8ea1fd817",
"product": {
"product_id": "ff4fe398-6cc6-4931-9076-d5bfdde928b6",
"display_name": "Black SUV Hourly"
"currency_code": "USD",
"can_tip": true,
"client_fare_without_tip": "$459.98",
"trip_end_location": {
"latitude": 37.751373,
"longitude": -122.4331
"client_fare_numeric": 459.98,
"is_reserve": true,
"trip_leg_number": 0,
"total_trip_legs": 1,
"stops": [
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"place": {
"place_id": "18857baa-dd93-37bd-87a1-43acdb372e0c",
"provider": "uber_places"
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"title": "DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Fresno Convention Center",
"subtitle": "2233 Ventura St, Fresno, CA"
"latitude": 37.761,
"longitude": -121.9676,
"place": {
"place_id": "93e7fc21-f65b-cfe8-cd88-e9534b39d02a",
"provider": "uber_places"
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"title": "Extended Stay America - San Ramon - Bishop Ranch - West",
"subtitle": "18000 San Ramon Valley Blvd, San Ramon, CA"
"latitude": 36.85821,
"longitude": -121.40019,
"place": {
"place_id": "1847644a-21ce-76cd-6103-46b23ba74862",
"provider": "uber_places"
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"title": "Hollister DMV Office",
"subtitle": "80 N Sally St, Hollister, CA"
"hourly_details": {
"hourly_params": {
"time_in_mins": 120,
"distance": 30,
"distance_unit": "MILE"
¶ Example Offered flexible trip response (deferred_ride_options
"deferred_ride_options": {
"expiration_time_ms": 1734443999000,
"pickup_day": "2024-12-16"
"destination": {
"address": "Bryant Park, New York, NY 10018",
"eta": 18,
"latitude": 40.7535965,
"longitude": -73.9832326,
"place": {
"place_id": "ChIJvbGg56pZwokRp_E3JbivnLQ",
"provider": "google_places"
"subtitle": "New York, NY 10018",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"title": "Bryant Park"
"expense_memo": "Memo note example",
"guest": {
"first_name": "Tom",
"guest_id": "b7c5e97e-eb5a-5997-a95d-977a5c50d98a",
"last_name": "Example",
"locale": "en",
"phone_number": "+11234567890"
"location_uuid": "a18860d5-ffee-429f-acb3-2f74641a0bf9",
"note_for_driver": "Example note to driver",
"pickup": {
"address": "Lincoln Square, New York, NY",
"eta": 1,
"latitude": 40.77417690000001,
"longitude": -73.98491179999999,
"place": {
"place_id": "ChIJYWvLK15YwokR9nuSX-MHTZA",
"provider": "google_places"
"subtitle": "New York, NY",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"title": "Lincoln Square"
"product": {
"display_name": "UberX",
"product_id": "b8e5c464-5de2-4539-a35a-986d6e58f186"
"request_id": "4ed90706-6e7c-4489-9bcd-ae2c0ca88728",
"requester_name": "David Example",
"requester_uuid": "f3a604eb-8b90-4068-932c-13d6a5002f86",
"status": "offered",
¶ Endpoint Possible Errors
HTTP Status | Code | Description |
400 | validation_failed | This error occurs when an incorrect or invalid request_id is provided in the request path. Please use a valid request_id to avoid this error. |
401 | unauthorized | Authorization failed. The client lacks valid auth credentials for the requested resource. |
403 | forbidden | The client does not have permission to access the requested resource. |
404 | not_found | The requested resource or entity could not be found on the server. |
500 | internal_server_error | An unexpected error occurred on the server while processing the request. |
Use Case
Request Statuses
Trip request status_detail values
Request Parameters
Query Params
Example Request
Response Parameters
Guest object parameters Back to Top
Pickup object parameters Back to Top
Destination object parameters Back to Top
Driver object parameters Back to Top
Product object parameters Back to Top
Vehicle object parameters Back to Top
Location object parameters Back to Top
Hourly object parameters Back to Top
Waypoints object parameters Back to Top
Stops object parameters Back to Top
Trip_end_location object parameters Back to Top
Cancellation_info object parameters Back to Top
Editable_fields details Back to Top
Directed_dispatch_info details Back to top
spend_cap_details details Back to top
fare_breakdown details Back to Top
fare_breakdown.detailed_breakdown details Back to Top
detailed_breakdown.item details Back to Top
Example Responses
Example Accepted Trip Response
Example In Progress Trip Response
Example Completed Trip Response
Example Canceled Trip Response
Example Canceled with a follow-up rebooked trip (follow_up_trip_details)
Example Editable Trip Response
Example Processing with Directed Dispatch Info Trip Response
Example Scheduled Hourly Trip Response
Example In Progress Hourly Trip Response With Overage
Example Completed Hourly Trip Response
Example Offered flexible trip response (deferred_ride_options)
Endpoint Possible Errors