Three lines



Get Health Trip Receipt


Privileged and Confidential This endpoint design has been confidentially shared with you. It is still under development and is subject to change without notice. Please do not share this document or API endpoint details with anyone who is not authorized to have access. For more information read about scopes.

Use Case

Get the receipt of a completed trip


OAuth 2.0 Bearer token with the health scope. For more information, see Authentication.

Request parameters
Name Type Description
request_id string The unique ID of the ride request.
Response parameters
Name Type Description
request_id string The unique ID of the ride request
guest object Object containing all the information about the rider.
guest.guest_id string Unique identifier of a rider.
guest.first_name string The first name of the rider.
guest.last_name string The last name of the rider.
guest.phone_number string Phone number of rider in E.164 (international) format. string Email address of the rider.
guest.locale string The preferred locale for any communication with the guest (e.g., SMS). Defaults to en(English) if not specified.
charges array Enumerated charges string The name of the charge
charges.amount float The amount of the charge
charge_adjustments array Adjustments made to the charges
charge_adjustments[].name string The name of the charge adjustment.
charge_adjustments[].amount float The amount of the charge adjustment.
charge_adjustments[].type string The type of charge adjustment.
surge_charge object Object containing information about increased fares. string The name of the surge charge (includes multiplier)
surge_charge.amount float The amount of the surge charge
normal_fare string The summation of the charges
subtotal string The summation of the normal_fare and surge_charge[amount]
total_fare string The fare after credits and refunds have been applied
total_owed float The total amount still owed after attempting to charge the user. May be null if amount was paid in full.
currency_code string The currency of the amounts in the response, in ISO 4217 format
expense_memo string A free-text field used to describe the purpose of the trip for expense reporting (maximum length: 64 characters). This value will appear on the trip receipt and in any configured expense-reporting integrations, such as Uber for Business or Business Profiles.
duration string Time duration of the trip in ISO 8601 HH:MM:SS format
distance string Distance of the trip
distance_label string The localized unit of distance
home_currency_total_fare object Total fare in the currency of the U4B Organization.
home_currency_total_fare.currency_code string Currency of the U4B Organization in ISO 4217 format.
home_currency_total_fare.amount` float Total Amount of the trip displayed in U4B Organization’s default currency.
taxes array List of tax items applicable for the trip receipt. string The name of the tax classification.
taxes.rate float The rate at which the tax is charged.
taxes.rate_type string The rate type of the tax, also known as tax label. For example, GST, VAT, etc.
taxes.amount float Amount paid in taxes.
taxes.authority object The object contains the authority that charged the tax. string The country ISO2 of the authority that charged the tax.
Example Request

Try It Replace the token and trip id from a past trip in the below request to use it a terminal to get receipt of a trip.

curl -X GET -H "authorization: Bearer $UBER_TOKEN" \
Example Response
  "guest": {
    "first_name": "Jane",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "phone_number": "+14155550000",
    "email": ""
  "request_id": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
  "charges": [
      "name": "Base Fare",
      "amount": 2.2
      "name": "Distance",
      "amount": 2.75
      "name": "Time",
      "amount": 3.57
  "surge_charge": {
    "name": "Surge x1.5",
    "amount": 4.26
  "normal_fare": "$8.52",
  "subtotal": "$12.78",
  "total_fare": "$5.92",
  "total_owed": null,
  "currency_code": "USD",
  "duration": "00:11:35",
  "distance": "1.49",
  "distance_label": "miles"
Endpoint Possible Errors
HTTP Status Code Description
400 validation_failed This error occurs when an incorrect or invalid request_id is provided in the request path. Please use a valid request_id to avoid this error.
401 unauthorized Authorization failed. The client lacks valid auth credentials for the requested resource.
403 forbidden The client does not have permission to access the requested resource.
404 entity_not_found This error occurs when trying to fetch a receipt that has not yet been generated or for a trip where no charge was applied.
404 not_found The requested resource or entity could not be found on the server.
500 internal_server_error An unexpected error occurred on the server while processing the request.


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