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Introduction to Vouchers API

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The Vouchers API provides a way create and manage voucher programs and codes.


Method Endpoint Description
POST /v1/organizations/{}/voucher-programs Create a voucher program
POST /v1/organizations/{}/individual-voucher-program/create Create an individual program
POST /v1/organizations/{}/voucher-programs/search Search voucher programs
GET /v1/organizations/{}/voucher-programs/{} Get a voucher program
PATCH /v1/organizations/{}/voucher-programs/{} Update a voucher program
POST /v1/organizations/{}/voucher-programs/{}/add-guests Add guests to a voucher program
POST /v1/organizations/{}/voucher-programs/{}/cancel Cancel a voucher program
POST /v1/organizations/{}/voucher-program-templates Create voucher template
PATCH /v1/organizations/{}/voucher-program-templates/{} Update voucher template
GET /v1/organizations/{}/voucher-program-templates Get voucher templates
GET /v1/organizations/{}/voucher-program-templates/{} Get voucher template by ID
POST /v1/organizations/{}/voucher-programs/create-from-template Create voucher program from template
POST /v1/organizations/{}/voucher-programs/{}/codes/generate Generate additional codes for a multi-code voucher program
GET /v1/organizations/{}/voucher-programs/{}/codes Get all codes associated with a voucher program
POST /v1/organizations/{}/voucher-programs/{}/codes/cancel Cancel voucher codes
POST /v1/organizations/{}/voucher-programs/{}/codes/distribute Bulk Distribution of Voucher Redemption Codes
POST /v1.2/me/vouchers/redeem Redeem Voucher Program Code
GET /v1/organizations/{}/voucher-programs/{}/guests Get all guests associated with a program


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