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Privileged and Confidential This endpoint design has been confidentially shared with you. It is still under development and is subject to change without notice. Please do not share this document or API endpoint details with anyone who is not authorized to have access. For more information read about scopes.

March 2024 - Changes to Existing Endpoints

Update Voucher Template Endpoint, it is now possible remove vehicle restrictions from an existing template by passing in a empty list.

Add Guests Endpoint will now return a 409 status code if the voucher program being updated is still generating voucher codes. Before we would have returned a 500 status code with no error message.

February 2024 - New Endpoint

Get Guests

We have introduced new endpoint Get Guests to retrieve Program guests along with their voucher, code and usage details.

August 2022 - New Endpoints

Create Voucher Template

We have introduced new endpoint Create Voucher Template to create Voucher template which can be reused to create Voucher program.

Update Voucher Template

We have introduced new endpoint Update Voucher Template to update a Voucher template created using Create Voucher Template endpoint.

Create Voucher Program From Template

We have introduced new endpoint Create Voucher Program From Template to create a voucher program using a predefined template. This will replace Create Individual Voucher Program endpoint.

Get Voucher Template

We have introduced new endpoint Get Voucher Template to get the details of a particular voucher template.

Get Voucher Templates

We have introduced new endpoint Get Voucher Templates to get the list of voucher templates by organization ID.

Search Voucher Programs

We have introduced new endpoint Search Voucher Programs to search voucher programs for listing purposes and supports paging.

Cancel Voucher Codes

We have introduced new endpoint Cancel Voucher Codes to cancel codes for a voucher program.

Bulk Distribution of Voucher Redemption Codes

We have introduced new endpoint Bulk Distribution of Voucher Redemption Codes to distribute voucher codes for a specific voucher program.

August 2022 - Changes to Existing Endpoints

Get Voucher Codes endpoint: We have updated our webhook responses and fields to provide better clarity around usage of individual codes. Now we will send the code_id of an individual code when it is claimed that can be queried via the get vouchers codes endpoint with the updated fields below, providing visibility into individual code-level usage of the voucher. Previous functionality limited this visibility to the program-level. New fields added to the response: code_id usage_count usage_amount currency_code

Create Voucher Program endpoint: Previously, there has been no way to track who was creating a voucher. With the new creator_email field in the create voucher endpoint, we have a way of tracking which user is creating the voucher program. This will enable tracking when you have multiple users creating vouchers and want to associate the vouchers created to a given user. New fields added to the request: creator_email (optional field enabling you to log the end user creating a voucher program and reflect this in Uber’s records and Voucher dashboard. Also available for ‘Create voucher template’ and ‘Create voucher program from template’ endpoints)

Get Voucher Program endpoint: We have added a few fields to the get voucher program endpoint to provide better information on voucher campaigns that have been created. New fields added to the response: status (values may include [Upcoming, Active, Complete, Canceled]) total_dollar_exposure (the maximum possible spend on a given voucher program) guests {guests[].email, guests[].phone} (List of guests for a given voucher program)


Create Individual Voucher Program endpoint will be deprecated soon, please migrate to Bulk Distribution of Voucher Redemption Codes endpoint.


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